Chapter 47

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"Thank you so much for all your help," Phil said, smiling at all the other ghosts—as well as Quackity who was now back on the line since Death gave back their crystal balls.

"Of course," Puffy nodded at him.

"I hope not to see you around here any time soon," Sam chuckled, directing his comment to Tommy.

"I'm a big man, I'm too pog to die," Tommy gave a proud smirk.

"Yeah, well, I'll probably be seeing you guys around anyway," Dream shrugged.

"Sorry for trying to non-existent, I guess," Sapnap said.

"You guess?" Techno asked in his monotonous voice.

"You're shit at apologizing, you know that?" Tommy crossed his arms across his chest.

"I think they're open again," Karl said from his little station.

The brunett has been trying to open Techno, Wilbur, and Phil's portals, and adjusting the UniPort in accordance to what Death has told him so Tommy, Tubbo and the psychics can pass through safely.

"Thanks Karl," Wilbur said.

"Alright, now that that's set," Death started. "You three—" she gestured to Phil, Techno and Wilbur—"can go through your own portals while I go with these six and guide them through the UniPort."

Death lead them to the UniPort and stood by as they entered one by one. "Careful on the landing. It can be a bit rough," she advised.

Once they were through, Death herself went through the portal. She messed with the portal until it was set to exit at the nearest possible location to the house.

Tubbo landed first, nearly hitting a tree. He looked around and he smiled when he spotted the Mine-Craft's house not too far.

The others came through next with Ranboo nearly crashing onto him. Tommy hitting Ranboo. Eret and Fundy stumbled a bit while Niki landed with grace. "How did you even do that?!" Fundy exclaimed as Niki shrugged at him.

Death came through last.

They walked toward the house where Wilbur, Techno and Phil are already at. Death let them be, only lingering close.

"We can't thank you enough for all your help," Phil shook Eret's hands.

"It's no problem," Eret smiled.

"Well I mean, it kinda was, but in a good and stressful kind of way," Fundy said.

"Well either way," Wilbur started, "it was nice seeing you again, Niki."

"Yes, it's been so long," Niki laughed waving at them.

"We'll see you around, right boss man?" Tubbo saluted to Ranboo.

"Yeah," Ranboo nodded, "You say that as if you two aren't gonna be the ones knocking at the mansion doors at two in the morning."

The psychics waved goodbye, saying that they have to go and earn money again. The customers are gonna be wondering where they've gone.

"Man, you've missed so much," Tubbo laughed as they entered back in the house. "You know, around yesterday I think, there was a report of an old rich dude who had a heart attack on his backyard surrounded by fucking furniture!"

"Wh—why exactly are you telling me this?" Tommy asked.

"I dunno. Seemed interesting. I wonder why he has furniture in his backyard," Tubbo said, earning a huff of amusement from Technoblade.

"Well, I think it's about time that we say goodbye," Death said, in the middle of the silence.

"Wait, we?" Wilbur asked in confusion.

"I don't understand, don't we have to do the unfinished business thing?" Technoblade asked.

"We tried—well, Techno and Wil tried to fulfill theirs with Niki and that drunk guy who killed us, but nothing happened," Phil said.

Death hummed, "Well, you see, your unfinished businesses shifted," she said. "Instead of those, you all became unwillings who wants to get Tommy back here in the Human Realm safely."

"So since I'm here..." Tommy looked over to the ghosts, "You guys have to go?"

"I—I guess?" Wilbur said, looking back at Tommy then to Tubbo—his face scrunched up in both confusion and shock.

"Do you really? Wh—why so suddenly?" Tubbo asked. "What about Niki, Ranboo, Eret and Fundy? You're not gonna say goodbye?"

Death shook her head sadly, "I'm sorry. I thought you were aware. I can't post–pone their passing on trial any longer."

Tubbo looked to the floor and back to the ghost, "I guess this is goodbye," he said, walking closer to the ghosts.

"Come on mate," Phil said, lowering himself to see the boy eye to eye, giving him a smile.

"We had some laughs!" Tubbo started,  "It was fun. All good things must come to an end eventually." 

"Right? I'm gonna miss you boys," Phil said, using a whole lot of his energy to be able to hug Tubbo. 

"So you're gonna go?" Tommy asked, his eyes glaring at the floor. "Just like that?"

"Oh Tommy," Wilbur floated towards the boy. "You set me up to talk to NIki, it was gonna happen eventually."

"Well I was prepared for that because I set it up," Tommy sniffled. "This one I..." a sob escaped him. 

"Come here," Wilbur pulled the boy to his chest. 

Tubbo, who had moved to hug Techno, also let out a sob. 

Their mourning lasted for a couple more minutes. The ghosts managed to hug the boys, share a couple more laughs with teasing about how the boys looked after crying.

"Ready now," Death warned as she prepared to bring them back to the Ghost Realm.

The ghost waved to Tommy and Tubbo and the two waved back. A bright flash of light blinded the two teens for a moment and by the time they deemed it safe to open their eyes,

they were gone.


Alright, so, bad news, I don't know how to count lol. The next chapter will be the last one! Good news...there is no good news. Did I use a dsmp!Tubbo quote? Yes, sorry 'bout that. 

Anyway! NEXT CHAPTER! A quick epilogue!

Thank you for reading! Comments and suggestions are appreciated.


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