Chapter 46

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Death let out a chuckle, "Society is quite misleading I assume," she said. "Though it does make my job easier. People struggle less when they don't know that I'm coming." She faced the ghosts who were in trial, "Hello, I'm death. Known as Kristen when disguised as a human. Nice to meet you."

She watched the ghosts on the stands and wonder, "Why are there nine defendants?"

"Well you see..." The Middle figure trailed off, clearly trying to think of an excuse, "the case was too complicated that we had to get back up."

"Yes, but 8 other ghosts? I doubt not a single one of them don't remembered how they died," Death sighed.

"It's 'cause this is not a judgement kind of trial," Phil called out.

Death looked at him, "What do you mean?" She asked.

"We've already went through judgement and were already back on Earth," Phil explained. "This trial is for 'crimes' we, as they would say, have committed."

"Oh," Death said, somewhat confused. "I didn't know we did these kinds of trials," she addressed the council.

"Yes, we didn't want to bother you with things as small as a bit of rule breaking," the Middle figure said.

"Alright, before we start, I want to do an attendance check," Death said. "Please, start from the left."

The Middle figure nodded, "Dream  Was-Taken, Sapnap Halo, Karl Jacobs, Cara Puffy, Sam Awesamdude, Philza Mine-Craft, Wilbur Mine-Craft, Technoblade Mine-Craft," he listed off. "And Tommy Innit," he rushed the last name, in hopes of not getting noticed.

"Hold on," Death interrupted. "I don't remember accompanying a Tommy Innit," she said.

"That's 'cause I'm not fuckin' dead!" Tommy said.

Death hovered closer to the boy. "Oh dear," she muttered as she took hold of Tommy's nearly invisible arm. "You're human, you shouldn't be here. How are you here?" She asked no one in particular.

"How is he here?" Death faced the council, shooting them a look.

"You see, they...broke rules," one of the council members said.

"Tommy Innit, along with a friend of his that we were not able to capture because of a charm, were helping ghost to fulfill their unfinished business," the Middle figuresaid. "And once brought here, he protested and escaped us with the help of some other ghosts."

"Does the defendant know about the rules?" Death asked.

"No," Tommy answered. "Tubbo and I found this house in the woods that belonged to Phil, Wilbur and Techno. We hung around there a lot."

"We explained what unfinished business are to them 'cause they asked why we were ghost," Wilbur said. "And last I heard, telling that to the living, wasn't illegal."

Death nodded in confirmation as well as a gesture to continue the story.

"Yeah, so we also have these friends that are psychics so they have books and shit, right?" Tommy said. "So we read those books for tips on how to help them finish their unfinished business."

"Exactly, they opened a psychic's books, those are always marked with the rules on the very first page. Therefore they have no excuse of not knowing the rules," one of the council members said. "and knowingly broke the second Ghost Law."

"I didn't read it!" Tommy protested. "What the book was saying isn't interesting so I skipped it."

"And who's to say you really didn't?" The Middle figure asked.

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