Chapter 41

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"Holy shit, what is this place?" Tommy asked as he gawked at Karl's base. 

Karl chuckled, "It's the In-between, or at least that's what I call it, Ghost Realm is just too I dunno, straight forward, so that's what I call this place." He closed the door behind them. "It's where I like to hang around when I want to escape responsibility."

"Why are the flowers dead?" Wilbur asked.

"Is there really anything living in this realm?" Karl chuckled.

"I take full offence to that," Tommy said.

"Oh , right," Karl said.

"You have a lot of books," Phil commented.

"Yeah, this could probably be a library at this point," Karl said. "It's just books about ghosting basics. I keep them here for Puffy."

"Neat!" Someone exclaimed. 

Tommy looked back, searching for the voice. Phil smiled at him before pulling out a crystal ball from his pocket.

"Tubbo!" Tommy exclaimed, taking the crystal ball from the older man, seeing the brunet inside the glass.

"And Ranboo—" "—And Fundy." Two people said at the same time.

"Tubbo!" Tommy repeated, ignoring the two.

"Hey, Tommy," Tubbo said. "It's nice to actually see you and your haircut again," he laughed at the blond's hair which was cut shorter than intended. The haircut happened a week ago already, but what kind of best friend would he be if he didn't tease about it.

"Again, my haircut isn't that bad," Tommy said.

"I don't know about that, chief," Wilbur bit back a laugh.

"Fuck you," Tommy said. 

"Well," Karl started, "why don't you guys go catch up while I check on the other entrances." He waved as he walked off. 

Tommy, Wilbur and Phil took a seat at one of the tables, with Tommy immediately laying his arms on the table, his head enclosed in them.

"How are you feeling, Toms?" Wilbur asked, taking a seat opposite to the boy. 

"Tired," he answered, raising his head a bit to see Wilbur. 

WIlbur hummed, "Well, you can try sleeping  I guess," he said.

"Where did you even sleep anyway?" Tubbo asked.

Tommy glanced at the crystal ball, "Haven't slept yet, big man," he said. "This place is all white, bright and shit. I don't even know how long I've been here, it feels like months."

"It's been two days, Tommy," Ranboo said.

"Two days?!" Tommy shot up from his seat. "There is no fucking way it's only been two days. I've been running around here a week max," he said.

"Maybe it's because you haven't slept yet, that's why it feels like it's been weeks," Wilbur commented. 

"Speaking of," Phil started, "why haven't you slept yet? You were in Sam's base, it's not like yo were out somewhere open."

"I haven't felt tired enough to actually sleep," Tommy said. "See, even now, I'm not that tired anymore."

Wilbur hummed, "Weird," he said. "You are an odd, odd child."

"I am not a fuckin' child," Tommy said.

"Well, technically you are," Ranboo said.

"Don't fuckin' side with 'im," Tommy exclaimed. "He's a wrongun."

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