Chapter 7

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Tommy watched the hands of the clock move ever so slowly as he was seated during their last class of the day. He let his head fall on his desk, forehead making contact with the hard material, making a quiet thump, which was masked by an impatient groan. Just end the class, woman!

"For your homework, don't forget to finish answering page 57 of your textbooks." The teacher wrote down the words as she spoke. "Seeing as we're done early, you are dismissed."

Early? Tommy screamed in his head. It's eight fucking minutes pass three!

Tommy walked out of Math class— dejected, considering the boring class without Tubbo—they only have History together—and then the annoying homework. He headed towards his and Tubbo's usual meeting place—a bench under the tree near the school gates.

Even from a far, he could already spot the familiar green button-up shirt. Tubbo noticed him approaching and gave a small wave. Tommy raised his hand to wave back, but the closer he got, the clearer Tubbo's figure became.

The green shirt was not without brown spots of dirt staining it. The hand waving at him had spots of red, Tubbo's arm had a few bruises on it.

"The fuck happened?" Tommy asked.

"You know, Jeff and them," Tubbo said. "His gang found me and this happened. Got kicked around—" he raised his arm that was bruised indicating that it was what got hit—"I fell down pretty bad, so yeah." He opened both his hands showing Tommy the bleeding flesh.

"You wanna—" Tommy was cut off by Tubbo who stood up from the bench.

"Nah, the nurse is a bitch," Tubbo laughed. "Let's go to the house?"

Tommy laughed at the comment, "Yeah, yeah."

The two made their way to the abandoned house, ranting about school as one does to pass the time.

"I got an essay for English. Something about applying the lesson we learned earlier in writing about your favorite animal? I don't know," Tubbo shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh, we got that assignment last week," Tommy said as he turned the knob of the house's front door.

"Tubbo? What happened to you?" Wilbur, who was floating by, asked.

"Got into a row with some kid," he replied.

"Well, you better get those cuts cleaned," Wilbur advised.

"The bathroom still works by the way," Tommy said. Tubbo nodded and walked to the small room near the kitchen.

"How come the bathroom still have water anyway?" Tommy turned to Wilbur.

"Oh, we have our own water source. Underground water," Wilbur said. "Phil made something that allows us to get water in the bathroom from the source."

Tommy hummed, passing Wilbur and setting his school bag down on the couch.

"So, what shenanigans are you two gonna do today?" Wilbur asked.

"We're doing homework," Tommy groaned.

"If we finish early, we were planning to set up a plan to prank those guys who ganged up on me," Tubbo said as he took a seat on the chair across Tommy.

"Yeah, those bitches are gonna get what's coming to them!"

Wilbur sighed. Should have expected that. "What homework are you doing anyway?"

"I got fucking maths."

"I'm writing an essay about my favorite animal!" Tubbo said excitedly. "I figured that I'd do it on that tree where there's a hive."

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