Chapter 11

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Phil returned to the house from his little walk around the forest to find the place empty. It was...odd per say. Sure, Wilbur leaving for the Ghost Realm to talk to a few friends that he made after he died, and Techno doing his own thing in the forest, he was used to. But Tommy and Tubbo not being around? Especially when it's Saturday? It was weird. 

Of course, they did have a reason as to why they couldn't come today. Tubbo had a family thing planned, something about attending a baking workshop. Tommy was—well, Tommy was just grounded. Phil didn't know the details as to why, but Tommy mentioned something about accidentally leaving the stove on. 

The two teenagers had been hanging around their house for almost a month now, and it really shows. Phil entered the living room to be met by the mess from yesterday. There were a bunch of art materials—ranging from pencils to glitters—on the floor. That carpet has seen better days. He thought as he eyed the orange, purple and black glitters sprinkled all over it. He should really force those two to clean up after themselves whenever they hang around there. 

Phil concentrated his energy to make himself tangible enough to pick up the stuff off the floor and organized it on the kitchen table. The last bits left in the living room was the actual product of their little "art project". It was a punishment given to the two by a teacher—who, apparently, was the one supposed to do these posters. Posters for what? Well from what Phil could work out, a Halloween event? He wasn't sure, it was a shitty poster. But yeah, the tiny pumpkins on the paper basically confirmed it.

After arranging the posters up on the kitchen table, Phil thought he could do his own thing, but the slightly opened cupboard door was bothering him. This was a mistake. Phil watched the stacks of snacks fall from the cupboard. He sighed, Guess I have to deal with this now. Phil went to open the cupboard next door—praying that there would still be space for the other food. 

It was empty.

"Did those two just took one look at the cupboard and said 'let's fit them all in one even though there's almost five other places we could put it?'" Phil said to himself.

"They said 'seven other places', but that's close enough." Phil turned around to find Techno leaning at the kitchen entrance. 

"You watched and allowed them to do something this dumb?" Phil asked.

"Hey, they were always dumb, that is not my problem," Techno said. "Besides, you and Wilbur were the ones who wanted to keep them."

Phil laughed, "Why are you asking that as if they were some sort of stray dogs?" 

"Might as well be," Techno said. "I mean look at this place, Phil. They cleaned it up but went ahead and messed it up again."

 "Oh come on Techno," Phil said as he crouched down and started to sort the snacks out."You know you at least don't hate having those two around."

Techno huffed, "At least," he agreed.

"Hello friends!" A cheery echo-y voice greeted.

"Ah shit." Techno jumped lightly as Wilbur appeared beside him out of nowhere. "Will you stop doing that?"

"What? Appearing out of nowhere?" Wilbur tilted his head.

"Yes," Techno said. "Stop doing the voice too. Phil might find it adorable, but it's annoyin'. Especially with that echo."

"Aww Techno." Wilbur reverted to his normal voice. "What's the point of having a 'ghost voice' when you aren't gonna use it?"

Techno stared at Wilbur with an annoyed face. Their little banter was interrupted by Phil who let out a hearty laugh.  "I missed hearing you two have a friendly banter. Nowadays you only seem to fight with Tommy or Tubbo."

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