Chapter 23

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WARNING! Mentions of Kidnapping, Blood and Murder. Not so graphic description of violence.


"So, are you guys going to the festival tomorrow?" Tubbo asked as he and the rest if the group walked back to the forest exit.

"Oh, yes," Eret said. "Fundy and I will be setting up a tent at the venue."

"Niki and Ranboo are doing their own thing with a pastry stand tomorrow," Fundy added.

"Are you guys going too?" Eret asked.

"Yeah!" Tubbo said. "This is actually Tommy's first festival here."

Tommy nodded, "And we're bringing the ghosts," he gave the three floating figures a look, "I guess."

WIlbur gave him a look back, "The fuck's that supposed to mean?"

"What are you guys even gonna do there?" Tommy asked.

"Can't we just want to go and experience the atmosphere that the venue gives?" Phil asked.

"We can always freak people out," Technoblade said.

"Or they can like, help you guys win stuff," Fundy said. "You know, rig the game."

"Fair point," Tommy shrugged his shoulders.

They reached the edge of the forest. "Well, who wants to go first?" Eret asked.

"I'll go," Phil said, gesturing for Fundy to start walking out of the forest. When he did, Phil followed and they managed to get a few steps away from the forest.

"It works!" Wilbur cheered. "C'mon! I can't wait to see the fuckin' town. I hate this  shit forest!" He flipped the trees off as he followed Tommy who was regretting ever agreeing to take Wilbur. 

"Ya know, I think I'm good here," Techno said.

"Come on now mate," Phil started. "Aren't you tired of seeing the forest over and over?"

"I mean it has less people," Techno answered.

"You're a ghost!" Tommy exclaimed, "'s not like people are gonna see you."

Techno rolled his eyes before following Tubbo out the forest.  

"Well," Eret started, "I've done what is needed, I'll be back in my tent if you need me," he said.

"Bye Eret. Thanks for the help," Tubbo said, while the others waved goodbye.

"Where are we gonna go then?" Fundy asked Phil.

Phil hummed, "I don't know," he started. "What about you two?" 

"Me and Tommy already have a place in mind," Wilbur said. "We'll see you later!" He urged the younger boy to start walking.

"Well?" Phil asked. Techno shrugged his shoulders, while Tubbo shook his head.

"Why don't we just go off on our own then?" Fundy asked. 

"Yeah, alright," Phil said. "Don't go causing trouble alright," he told Techno and Tubbo. 

"Where are we going to go?" Phil asked as he floated next to a walking Fundy.

Fundy hummed, "Not sure, but there's a fishing pond nearby. Old people like fishing don't they?"

Phil groaned.

"Did everyone just...forget why we wanted to be able to leave the forest in the first place?" Technoblade asked.

"Seem so," Tubbo said as he started walking, making Techno follow him. "Then again, it's been a few days since the incident, and the Reapers haven't gone after me or Tommy after that one time."

"That's because of your compass necklace," Techno answered.

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