Chapter 13

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WARNING: Talks about death and afterlife(?)

Technoblade watched the door to the house open and the two teenagers walked in, seemingly dejected for some reason. Tommy slumped into the couch while Tubbo was almost literally dragging himself towards the living room. "Should I even ask?" Techno said as he continued to float in the middle of the room.

"We're just really tired man," Tubbo yawned, finally reaching his seat. "The Halloween event last night took a lot of energy, not to mention we had classes earlier."

"I could really use a nap," Tommy said burying his head into one of the throw pillows..

"Hello everyone!"

"Oh shut the fuck up Wilbur!"

"Wilbur! Learn some decency!"

Wilbur raised an eyebrow at the two. Usually they'd be so energetic that one look at them, you can practically tell that they're gonna commit multiple, multiple crimes. Today, they don't seem to be up to any of that. They look like a couple of sleepy boys. 

"What's gotten into you two?" Wilbur asked, floating next to Technoblade. "I thought you'd be all talkative after that event last night."

"That event was fucked up," Tommy said raising his head to look at the ghost.

Tubbo huffed out  laugh, "That's just 'cause of the dare that you got." Tubbo got out his phone and showed it to Techno and Wilbur. 

In the video, there were students everywhere wearing different costumes, Halloween decorations, dim lighting and loud music. Despite all that, you can still see Tommy wearing his ghost costume. In the background, you can hear people yelling. "Go on, you can;t chicken out now."

"Alright, alright," Tommy said before making his way towards a girl by the stage. "Excuse me, you're my girlfriend."

A series of laughter overtook not only the sounds in the video, but also in real life as Techno, Wilbur and Tubbo laughed along—Tommy wasn't enjoying it though, evident by him groaning before burying his slightly pink face back into the throw pillow. The girl that Tommy just asked was speaking, but you wouldn't be able to make out what she was saying even if you tried. Tommy then went back to where the group was gathered at.

"What did she say?" Someone asked in between gasps of air.

Tommy was awkwardly laughing as he answered, "She uhh, she couldn't handle being my girlfriend, so I let her down gently." The video cuts off.

Wilbur was rolling around in the air, laughing his arse off. Techno on the other hand was floating on top of Tommy, "Man, the ghost suit was bad enough, you really couldn't save yourself from any more embarrassment could 'ya?" 

Tommy sat up and pointed an accusing finger at Tubbo, "You were recording that?" 

Tubbo pocketed his phone once more, "'course I was. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't record you making an absolute fool of yourself for future references?"

"Remind me to never speak to you ever again," Tommy said. 

Tubbo rolled his eyes, "Yeah, sure."

"Well, what are you two plannin' to do today?" Techno asked. "Phil told us to supervise."

"Oh." Tubbo looked around, "where is Phil? I haven't seen him."

"Just takin' care of ghost stuff, I don't think I can tell you what though," Techno said.

"We didn't plan anything today," Tommy said. "Honestly, we could have headed home, but then we'll have to do chores and shit, so we went here instead."

"How about we talk?" Wilbur said. "We've been hanging out with each other for a little over a month now but I don't think we've ever just sit and talk."

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