Chapter 36 - Possible Mistakes

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"So that was a disaster." Damon sighs as we enter his house.

"Yeah." I agree.

"You said Klaus has 4 siblings, where are the others?" He asks.

"Daggered, stored in boxes, one of them for 900 years." I answer.

His mouth forms an 'o'. "Oh wow."

"But I may have an idea, but it's a very risky one." I say.

Stefan enters the room. "Spill."

I sigh, knowing they will not like the idea.

"We find one of his siblings, and undagger them." I tell them.

Damon scoffs. "Um, no!"

"No, wait, that's actually a good idea." Stefan says. "Eleanor knows their personalities the best, so we find the one who'll be most vengeful, and undagger that one, and we'll have a powerful original vampire on our side."

Damon looks at us as if we're crazy. "Guys, are you kidding me?!"

"We have until tomorrow night." I say.

"Why tomorrow night?" He asks.

"Because tomorrow night is the full moon, and Klaus has the moonstone, all he needs now is a vampire, a werewolf who's triggered the curse, and the dopplegänger, and if he manages to break the curse, the dagger will no longer work because it's silver." I explain, before pulling out my phone to call Bonnie.

She answers.

"Hey El, what's up?"

"Hey Bonnie, I know you've been resting and all, but do you think you can do a locator spell?"

"Yeah, bring me something that belongs to the person we're gonna locate." She sighs.


I hang up.

"Who are we going to locate?" Damon asks.

"Kol Mikaelson." I answer, before walking out of the house.


I make it to my house in search of a picture. It was taken in 1917, I managed to snag it off of someone, and it has all the Mikaelsons on it, so it may help us find who we're looking for.

I dig through all of my stuff until I find it.

"Ah, Bingo."

I grab it and walk out, headed to Bonnie.


I put the picture on the table and sigh.

"That was the closes thing I have to them." I tell her.

"Is that Elijah?" She asks.

I nod.

"Which person are we trying to find in here?" She looks at the photo.

"Him, Kol Mikaelson." I say as I point to his face on the photo.

"Why are we looking for a Mikaelson? We have enough already here." She questions.

"Because if we want to put down Klaus, having a vengeful Original will help, and we gotta do this before he tries to break the curse." I say.

She looks at me, concerned. "Vengeful?"

I bits my lip. "Getting him will require pulling a dagger out of his chest."

She groans, and begins the spell.

After a minute, she finishes.

"He's in the Highschool...?" She questions the location.

"Wonderful, Thank you." I smile, before exiting the house.


I make it to the highschool and see a few storage trucks outside, they don't look familliar.

I open the first one and it just had normal furniture.

I close it and open the second one, and it was empty.

I go to the third one and there appears to be a lock.

"Found it." I mumble before yanking it off.

That was a strong one.

I open it and to no surprise, 2 coffins.

I step inside and open the first one, and see whom I believe to be Finn.

He was wearing an outfit from like, a long ass time ago, centuries before K was born.

I close it and walk over to the second one, and, Kol.

I grab the dagger and I'm about to pull it out, but I hear a voice behind me.

"What do you think you're doing?" The random vampire asks.

I turn around to look at them, glad it wasn't Klaus.

"And whom might you be?" I ask.

"Someone who was compelled to kill anyone who tried to open those." He answers.

"Ah, newbie vampire compelled by an original, how sweet." I chuckle before running up to him and picking up up bu the throat faster than he could blink.

"Who compelled you?" I ask.

"I can't say." He answers.

"Will you write it down for me then?" I ask, and he nods.

I pull out a notepad and pen and let him go, and he writes the name down.

"Ah, Klaus." I say, unsurprised.

I turn to the poor baby vampire. "Well, it's been fun, give the afterlife my regards." I pull his heart out and drop it on him body, before stepping back into the truck.

Now, where were we? Ah, yes.

I pull the dagger out of his chest, and smile.

I sit down on aluminum truck flooring, and wait for him to wake.

I was staring at the now very dark sky, when I hear a gasp from the coffin.

"I thought you'd never wake." I smirk.

He sits up. "My entire family hates you."

"And now you hate me the least." I say, using the dagger to point to him, me still sitting with my legs crossed.

He groans, rubbing his head. "Weren't you trapped in that bloody augustine house?"

"I got out in the 50's." I say.

"Wait, the 50's? What year is it?" He questions with surprise.

"2010." I answer.

He chokes om his surprise.

"2000 bloody 10?!"


"Okay, why did you wait until now to undagger me?" He asks.

"Because I need your help, Klaus has the moonstone, and I need you to dagger him before he breaks that curse and sacrifices a teenage girl." I say, sliding him the dagger.

"There's another dopplegänger?" He asks.

"There is, and she's an innocent teenager who never asked for any of this, but if he does break that curse, he'll no longer be affected by the dagger, so you have a time limit." I say.

"And tell me why I shouldn't just kill you right now." He threatens, taking a few steps toward me, while I'm still sitting on the ground.

"You would already have if you really wanted to, and besides, you dagger him, you free Rebekah and Finn if you'd like, Elijah will be happy, Klaus will be gone, and nobody gets sacrificed in a blood ritual." I explain.

"And what do I get out of this?" He asks, picking up the dagger.

"Revenge." I simply answer, now getting up.

He stares at me.

"Are you gonna help me kill this bastard or not?"

He grins, which I'm assuming means he's on board.

So yeah, I'm changing more stuff up, gOt a prObLEm?🖤😂

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