Chapter 2 - Revenge Fantasy.

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Going in and out of consciousness, due to the pain. I can't shut my humanity off because I have a best friend out there who would kill me for it.

I like to take myself to a different place in my mind when I'm in here. It distracts me from the pain.

I like to think about having a go at revenge, or hanging out with Enzo, or anything, really.

After what seemed like ages, I was finally released back into my cage.

"I'll be right back." The doctor said before exiting the room.

I look at Enzo, who looks at me with sympathy.

"Enzo, stop giving me that look, I'm fine." I smile, to which he nods.

The doctor comes back in with our blood shots for the day, and leaves after.

I look at mine.

"So tell me, Damon, what do you plan on doing when we get out?" Enzo asks.

Damon and I look at him.

"Well, probably just go on with life, as I had been before." He sighs.

"What about you, Eleanor?" Enzo turns to me.

"Well I first plan on visiting my brother, wherever be may be, and then I ought to come back for revenge." I smile weakly.

Enzo stands up and leans against the cage. "Ah, yes, let's talk about revenge! Damon, how do you plan on getting revenge on Augustine? I personally an on killing their dog and mailing it to their doorstep."

Damon doesn't answer, just sighs.

Enzo continues. "Alright you think on that I'll come back to you, Eleanor, how do you plan on getting revenge?"

I get up, smiling. "I plan on cutting pieces of them of, waiting until their on the brink of death, their brains shutting it off for just a second, before I heal them up and do it all over again."

I lean against my cage, copying Enzo.

The doctor enters, and walks over to Damon's cage. "Your turn." He opens the cage and Damon lunges at him, latching his fangs onto the guy's neck.

Enzo and I look at each other with sympathy, as we knew the events to follow. I rest my chin in my hands, covering my mouth and eyes.

Damon starts coughing, bending down and covering his stomach in pain.

I squint my eyes and turn my head slightly to the other direction, before muttering. "Vervain.."

Enzo is looking at him, watching as he gets dragged out.

I pull my hands off my face and look at Enzo.

He looks back at me. "Well today he's going to have fun."

Augustine Girl. (DAMON SALVATORE X READER)Where stories live. Discover now