Chapter 37 - This could be bad.

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Damon and I are hanging out in the living room, When all of a sudden Alaric gets shot with an arrow.

He falls and Damon and I get up, and a bunch of wolves bust in.

"Oh wonderful." I mumble, while another one stabs a Vervain needle in my neck.

I turn around and grab them by the throat.

"You're gonna have to do a lot better than that."

Someone shoots 3 more in my back.

I drop the wolf. "That'll do it."

I fall to the ground, loosing consciousness.


I wake up tied to a chair, Damon tied to another one, with these collar things with nails poking into our necks.

One of the wolves notices we're awake.

"So I saw these things in a movie, so I modified them, and now when I pull." He says, yanking on the chains, which hurt. "That happens."

"We will kill all of you when we get out of here." Damon groans.

The wolf yanks on his chain again, making him yell.

Jules walks in.

"And there she is." I chuckle, earning another tug to the chain.

"The moonstone, hand it over." She says.

I start giggling.

The guy yanks on my chain again. "Is something funny?"

I look at him. "Yes, because the sun and moon curse is fake, the werewolf curse came about way before vampires ever existed."

They look confused,

"Yup, and either way, I do not have the moonstone, but you all really need to check your facts." I say.

Elijah walks in.

"You all want the moonstone?" He places it onto a table. "Come and get it."

Every wolf that went after it ended up dying.

Jules runs out along with the other guy, and Elijah picks up the stone, placing it back into his pocket.

"Damon this is the 3rd time I've had to save your life." He informs him.

"Mm." Was what Damon replies with.

After he frees us, he leaves, just as Alaric wakes up.

"Alaric, you missed all the fun." I say, looking down at my blood-soaked shirt.

"Maybe that's for the best." He says, pulling the arrow out if his stomach.

"Well, Elijah has the moonstone, I guess." Damon sighs, as Stefan and Elena walked in.

"What happened in here?" Stefan asks.

"Werewolves happened." I bite my lip.

He looks around at all the dead wolves.

"Klaus wants Elena by tonight." Stefan says with worry.

"Klaus is not getting dick." Damon scoffs.

Elijah walks back in with a small briefcase.

"I have this elixer, we do the ritual, then when Klaus is at his weakest point, Bonnie will make him weaker, and I can kill him, everyone else lives, we all can go on our way." Elijah smiles.

"No! Absolutely not!" Damon disagrees.

"What other option to we have?" I ask.

"This." Damon bites into his wrist and whooshes over to shove it to her mouth, so if she dies, she'll become a vampire.

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