Chapter 15 - I loathe you

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"Today, you all have a history project, it is a group project, and I will be picking the groups."

Everyone in the class groans.

"Okay, Caroline, Bonnie, Matt, ams Tyler."

Caroline rolls her eyes at the thought of being in a group with Tyler.

By the time he's done, only 3 remain, which is Stefan, Elena, and me.

"Okay, I guess you three are in a group." He shrugs.

I nod.


It was the end of the day, amd Elliot came up to me while I was getting into my locker.

"Hey, can I hang out with Jeremy, we're gonna hang out."

I nod. "I don't know why you're asking me for permission, but I have to go over there later for a project, so I can take you."

He grins. "Thanks El."

He walks off, and I finish getting my stuff out of my Locker.


"Stefan!" I scoff, punching his arm lightly.

He laughs.

"Hey, before we head to Elena's, I have to pick up a few things at my house, wanna come with?"

I smile. "Sure."


We make it to his house, and we see a disappointed Zach.

"Why do dead people with neck wounds keep appearing in Mystic Falls.

Stefan and I look at each other with confusion, before Stefan remembers.


"Hello brother."

"There may be another vampire in town, it wasn't us." Stefan tells him.

"And my brother has been accounted for, so it couldn't of been him." I say.

He sighs. "Okay, find out who this vampire is and kill them."

We nod.


Stefan knocks on Elena's door, and she opens it.

"Hey guys! Eleanor, your brother came early." She points to the teenage boys playing videogames on the couch.

I chuckle.

"You guys can come in." The orange haired lady invites us in.

"I'm Jenna, and you are?"

"I'm Stefan, and this is my old friend, Eleanor." Stefan introduces us, Elliot failing to hold back his eye roll.

"You can just call me El." I smile.

"Well, it's nice to meet you two." She grins. "I'm making dinner, you guys are welcome to join us for it."

"That is very kind of you, Mrs. Jenna." I say.

"Just call me Jenna."

I nod, Elena leading us upstairs for the project.


After we were about halfway done, we hear the doorbell ring.

By the time we get downstairs and open it, I can see who it is, the one I've loathed for so long.

Damon Salvatore

Yessir, he's back

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!🖤

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