Chapter 28 - More and More distractions

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I was sitting on the couch, reading a book, when all of a sudden Elena runs out of the house, scared.

Stefan Follows, and stops with a huff when he realizes she's already left.

"What the hell happened with you two?" I ask.

He groans. "She saw the picture of Katherine."

"Just when she was finally okay with vampire existence." I say, still not looking up from my book.

"How do they look the same?" He asks.

"She's a Petrova dopplegänger." I answer.

"So she is descended from Katherine?


He was about to reply, but suddenly two tomb vampires broke in through the windows and went after Stefan.

Damon runs down to see what the commotion was about and suddenly Fredrick attacks him.

I throw my book down and run to Stefan, throwing the vampire off him.

He comes at me.

I sigh as I tear his heart out, we were once good friends.

I drop the heart, and grab Fredrick by the throat, lifting him off the ground.

"Leave, or you'll end up like your friend." I throw him down, and he leaves.

"Great, vengeful tomb vamps." I remark, and Damon groans.

I pull out my phone and call Anna, as I didn't think Pearl would fully understand a cellphone yet.

She answers.


"Where's Pearl?" 

"Standing next to me, why?"

"Because those tomb vamps that she said were coexisting {Peacefully} just came and tried to kill Stefan and Damon."

She sighs.

"We're almost home, my mother will talk some sense into them."

"Well, you'll only have to worry about Fredrick, the other guy is dead." 

I hang up rather aggressively.

"Well it's a good thing Elena isn't here." I say, before plopping back down onto the couch.

Stefan leaves the house, probably to find some bambi to drink from.

Damon's POV 15 minutes from now.

I saw a car horribly crashed, and a man swoosh away.

I recognize the car as Elena's, and rush over to help.

"D-Damon?" She tries to say, but she's weak from the crash.

"It's okay, I'm going to get you out of there, put your hands on the roof okay?" I tell her.

She complies.

"3, 2, 1." I yank the seatbelt off and quickly pull her out before the car can shift it's weight.

I stand her up.

"You okay?" I ask.

"I look like her.." She says, before passing out into my arms.


Another filler chapter, (ish), Soon I'll start building Eleanor and Damon's relationship, so be excited for that!🖤

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