Chapter 23 - Questions

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"Good morning." I hear two voices from the foor of my bed.

I open my eyes and groan, to see Lexi and Elliot.

"Hi.." I say, sitting up.

"Hey!" Lexi smiles, hugging me.

"Do y'all need something?" I ask.

"Get up!" Elliot tells me.

"Fine, give me a few minutes." I sigh.

They comply and walk out.



We were sitting on the couch playing mario cart, when my phone starts ringing.

Lexi pauses the game.

"One second guys." I say, getting up to stand outside.

I read the caller ID, and it was Stefan.

I answer.

"Hey Stefan, what's up?"

"She knows."

"Who? What?"

"Elena know, she knows about us, she knows about Damon, and You, and Elliot, about vampires."

"Do you want me to go talk to her?"

"Yeah, she'll probably listen to you over me right now."

"Okay, head over to my house, and I'll go over there, okay?"


He hangs up, and I go back inside to get my coat.

"Where are you going?" Elliot asks.

"I have to go to Elena's house and try to explain the supernatural world to her." I sigh.


"She knows." I interrupt him.

He clicks his tongue, and turns back around.

Stefan enters the house, and sees Lexi, which brightens his mood.

As they say there hellos, I leave, off to a teenagers house to explain that vampires exist.


I knock on her door, and Jeremy answers.

"Hey, can I talk with Elena?" I ask.

"She said she's not in the mood for company." He replies.

"It's important, just gibe me 5 minutes?" I tell him.

He sighs and moves out of the way. "Fine."

I walk up the stairs and too her door.


"Go away!" She calls back.

"I just came to talk."

I can hear her getting up, and walking to the door.

She slowly opens it and lets me in.

She closes it once I'm in.

"What are you guys?" She asks, scared that I would harm her.

"Vampires." I answer.

"So all those people-"

"That was Damon, Elliot and I drink from blood bags and Stefan drinks animal blood." I assure her.

"Oh god, Caroline.." She mutters.

"He won't hurt her, if he does I'll return the favor 10 fold." I tell her. "I'll answer all your questions."

"How old are you guys?" She asks.

"Elliot and I are about 400 years old, and Stefan and Damon are about 150 years old." I answer.

"Did you know Katherine?"


"How did you get turned?"

"A woman named Aurora turned me and Elliot, Stefan and Damon were turned by Katherine."

"How do you turn someone?"

"We feed a person our blood and then kill them."

"Oh wow."


"How do you guys eat and drink normal food?"

"Our stomachs didn't change, we just need human blood to stop ourselves from desiccating, it's confusing."

"How did the first vampires become vampires?"

"A spell used by the original witch, you can read about it in many places, though the stories may vary."

"When did the first vampires become vampires?"

"1,000 years ago, 1002 A.D."

"Will Stefan hurt me?"

"No, he won't, he loves you."

"What about Damon."

"Not likely, but please be careful."

"Why did Stefan give me this necklace?"

"It has vervain in it, if you wear it or ingest it, vampires can't use mind control, so he gave it to you to protect you from Damon."

"How do you walk in the sun?"

"These rings." I hold my hand up showing her mt daylight ring.

"Thanks-" She thanks me.

"Your welcome." I say, before walking out.


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