Chapter 5 - New Years Party

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I wake up to Enzo and Damon talking.

"About time you woke up, they must've given you extra Vervain, the new year's party is in about an hour I believe." Enzo smiles.

Honestly I couldn't have a better best friend.

I sit up, stretching.

"Wonderful." I say with sarcasm.

Damon looks confused. "What's the New Years Party?"

"They bring us upstairs in a cage and show off all the things they found this year, most of which they could easily find in a history book." I explain, as Enzo chuckles.

The door opens, as the doctor rolls in a large cage with wheels.

I sigh, getting up, as does Enzo.

He unlocks my cage, as I step into it.

Enzo and Damon follow.


People file in the house as we're locked in a cage in the middle, like a zoo animal.

You'd think getting out would be the best thing, but it isn't.

When I escape, I'll kill them all.

I hate being humiliated like this.

The doctor claps to get everyone's attention.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, as you know, I research vampires, and this year I've made a new discovery!" He smiles.

He walks over to the cage, unlocking it and pulling me out.

He brings me over to a table and picks up a scalpel, using his other hand to hold mine out.

I follow it with my eyes, as it moves ti my hand.

He makes a small cut into my palm, making me flinch a little.

He finishes the cut, and everyone watches in amazement as it heals.

"And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the start to a cure for all of our illnesses and injuries." He says.

Our blood does not cure sickness, if it did, more people would know by now.

He locks me back in the cage with the others.

I hate New Years.


Sorry for all the weak chapters, I'll start getting chapters with more action up soon!

Anyways, ty for reading🖤

Augustine Girl. (DAMON SALVATORE X READER)Where stories live. Discover now