Chapter 53 - Robot 2

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So this entire story was written in 1st person, last chapter in 3rd person, today we're doing 2nd person. (You, your, you're, ect.)

You walk away from Caroline, grinning.

You encounter Elena, and she starts talking too you, "I think Esther is up to something,  she wanted me to come get you."

You nod, "One moment and I'll go uo with you, I have something to do first." You walk away.

"Hey Eleanor!" You hear Stefan, as you walk up to him.

"Hey-" You were about to conversate with him, but he dropped his champagne glass, breaking it.

"I'll be right back." He runs off to get a napkin, and you grab something and leave.

"Alright, let's go." You say, before leading Elena back up the stairs to Esther's room.

"Welcome back Elena, and hello Eleanor." She says to you, but you don't stop for chitchat,

"I have DNA from all 3 of them, just get it over with." You say.

She grins, before taking them and putting them in a bowl of crimson liquid that reeked of stale blood.

"Impressive." She starts chanting.

"Eleanor you're in on this?" Elena asks you, shocked.

You look at her, "Relax, all of your vampire friends will be fine."

She scoffs, "How could you do this?"

Your expression becomes annoyed with dots of guilt one could only see if they were very observant.

"I needed to kill Klaus."

"Needed or wanted?" She scoffs again.

"Both." You walk out of the room without another word.


"To our welcome home!" Esther says, and everyone drinks their drink, except for Elijah.

"Can I trust that my mother has no ill intentions?" He asks Elena.

She thinks for a moment, and tells him, "Yes, you can, she's just excited to have her family back, that's all."

She lied.

Bro im so sorry that I haven't updated in 100000 years I just needed a break from writing. Idk when I'll update, maybe tomorrow if I feel up to one last chapter before school, but If not my next update wont be till summer, which if you think about it, is only like a month and a half away so, won't be too long anyways.
Thank you all for supporting me I never would have thought that this would ever get anywhere or than my writing at all would, but you guys are motivation to keep going and I am so grateful for EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU.

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