Chapter 24 - Birthday Ruins

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I hadn't seen or spoken with Damon in a few days, so I decided to go to the Salvatore Boarding house.

I make it to the door and decide to go in, not bothering to knock.

I see Zach reading the newspaper, a troubled expression plastered om his face.

"What's wrong?" I ask, and he looks up at me.

"The city council is going to start asking questions about these attacks soon, if not already." He says.

I look down at the paper.

"Fourth 'animal attack' this week." I read out loud.

"Damon is getting out of control." He sighs

"I watched him kill a football coach." I tell him.

"He needs to be straightened up." He says, before walking out of the room.

I walk upstairs and into Stefan's room to wake him up.

I plop down on the bed beside him on top of his blanket, waking him up abruptly.

"Gooood morning!" I shout.

He groans. "Get out."

I smirk. "Get up, it is your birthday!"

"Nooooo!" He covers his head with a pillow.

"She's right, get up!" I hear a voice from behind me.

"We're gonna have fun today!" Lexi tells him, pulling away from the hug.

He sighs. "Fine, 10 minutes please."

We nod, and I get up, exiting the room.


We make it to the grill and I see it full of people.

"Who are these people?" Stefan quizzes.

"People I compelled, go have fun." She says.

I smile, and off we go.


That night, we were standing outside of the bar. (Elena, Stefan, and me.)

We turn around and see Lexi being dragged out by police, weak.

Suddenly she throws one of the cops across the lot.

We were watching from afar, around the corner of the grill.

Damon runs out and grabs Lexi, holding a wooden stake.

"Damon No!" I shouted.

I try to run and stop him, but Stefan pulls me back.

He stabs her in the heart with it, killing her.

I finally manage to break free of Stefan and I run to Damon with normal speed, blinking back the tears.

"Why..?" I could hear Lexi whisper before falling to the ground.

I kneel down to her, holding her head on my lap.

"No No No, Lexi please don't be dead!" I whimper, finally letting the tears spill.

"She's a vampire, she's dangerous." Damon says as if he isn't one himself.

I get up abruptly, staring him down.

"Words will neve describe how much I absolutely hate you, you selfish bastard." I mutter to where only he could hear, before walking away, bumping him in the shoulder on purpose.

"Thank you Damon, that was brave." I hear Sheriff Forbes say to him.

By he time he could reply, I was out of earshot to hear the rest and I didn't bother listening in.


I made it back to my house and saw Elliot in the kitchen.

He could see my troubled expression, and it worried him.

"What's wrong?"

I bite my lip. "Lexi's dead."

He goes pale.

"El, I'm so sorry."

He hugs me, and I burst into tears, staining his shirt with my emotions.

He didn't really know Lexi well, but he knew how close we were.

I cried for what felt like hours, standing there.

I was heartbroken.

She was one of my close friends, and now because of Damon, she was gone.

I finally pull away from my brother's shoulder.

"Do it." I mutter.

"Do what?" My brother asks, confused.

"Have Sheila open the door, but leave the seal up, when Damon walks in he'll be stuck, and we will be rid of all our problems." I explain, walking up to my room without another word.

R.I.P Lexi. The show rly did her dirty.

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