Chapter 11

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"Its going to be just fine Thea.." I heard Jeron said as we start to take our post near the border.

We all know that the Red Moon Pack might come tomorrow but still its much safer if we are here just in case something bad happen.

"But its the Red Moon Pack! They are one of the most powerful pack and I am sure that we can't stop them!" She screech.

"What do you want to say, huh? That its okay for you to let that bitch have Seb and marry him! That's its alright for us to abandon our friend?!" Kody snap loudly, his voice started shaking as he glare at Thea with hateful eyes.

Thea squirm from the intense stare that are thrown at her. "No, its not like that...I just,..umm.."

"Its okay Thea..and guys its quite alright. I know that all of my selfishness will bring this so I am prepared if you hate me for that..."

"No its not Seb, you are entitled to be with someone you like. And you have the right to be happy.." Seth exclaim as he look at me seriously.

"Thanks guys..." I truly am. Seth and Kody are both someone who is always there for me. True friends through thick and thin. And I'm so lucky to have them.

A sudden laughter echo through out the woods. A shiver run all over my body when I sense a lot of wolves surrounding us.

Fuck! When did they get here??

"Oh gosh, you are so hilarious!" A shrilly voice snort, as Jasmine came out with two older boys on her side.

And like her, they are sporting a wicked grin on their face.

"..why are you here??" Thea stutter out as she glance at the wolves behind them. Their red eyes are looking at us menacingly.

"You really thought that we are going to wait until tomorrow? Gosh, I didn't think that all of you are that stupid..." She sneer as her eyes suddenly glow. An evil smirk begin to make way on her lips as she start to mutter something.

"And of course too stupid to know that we didn't care whether we kill you or not.." The other boy with red hair said as he begin to shift and run toward us..

Fucking hell!!



I sense that there is something wrong as I look over the dark woods. A sudden gush of wind reach to me, and I smell the blood on the air.

My jaw clenched as I tightened my grip on the armrest. "Rex stop the car."

Rex look at me with a puzzled look, but my tone is just enough for him to stop the car.

"Letty come with me..." I demand as I hop out of the car. And just like that I felt the power build up inside me.

"Why?" She whine, but I just glare at her and she stop and come out too.

"Rex go to the pack house and tell them that I'm gonna be late.." I state as Letty and me become engulf by a black smoke. And vanished.


Loud breaking sounds, with a lot of growling and snapping are the first that I've heard when I open my eyes.

Looking at the sight in front of me,  my blood begin to boil. A lot of wolves are encircling a smaller group, as they taunt them by growling at them.

I see Jasmine near them controlling a ball of air on both of her hands as she laugh evilly at them.

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