Chapter 12

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I can't believe my luck!

I have a hard time believing that my mate is someone like Rafael. It is pretty awesome on its own way, after all he is non other than Rafael Destone Constantine, the head of the Council. But because of his status, I can't help but feel insecure knowing that he is much stronger, much more powerful and quite experienced in relationships ( probably) than me. But even so I am still proud that the Goddess choose him as my mate.

But knowing the truth behind all of his actions till now, I'm truly shocked. It is truly beyond my expectations.

Fiinte Final. A group of secret cult in Rome that had been making havoc in our town.

And just seeing the immense hatred on Rafael's eyes when he told us about them, I knew for sure that they're bad news.

Though every questions that we have has answered, it only raise another set of questions. Making us more confuse than before.

Why are they here?

What are they're plans?

Are they gonna attack us?

Or kill us?

How about the humans?

And a lot more, which can only be answered by them. And its frustrating that we can't do anything. We are so powerless against them.

"I see, but what now?" Dad ask Rafael. We are all sitting down in the den, huddled together with all of my friends with my mom, and Seth and Kody's fathers.

"Now that their leader know that I'm here. They are going to be cautious in their actions, and it will going to be harder now to know where exactly they are hiding. But thankfully the sigil is almost complete so they can't run away even if they wanted to. They're not stupid enough to throw all their efforts till now, just to run away again. But the only set back that may arise is the effect that this complicated situation might bring to the humans." Rafael exclaim with a serious expression.

"What do you mean?" Kody suddenly blurt out with wide eyes.

Rafael's eyes glow red as he clenched his jaw while balling his fist tightly.

"Some of them might turn into a demon..."

We all look at him with shocked faces. Not comprehending the true meaning behind his statement.

"Demon? What do you mean?" Tim, Seth's father voice out.

Rafael, close his eyes for a moment then open it. He is more calm now, as his eyes return to its original color.

"I do not know if you all are aware but demons are not part of our realm, meaning they can't live in our world. And for them to be able to walk on Earth, they need to posses humans." He start.

"But actually they can't come here with their own. With only the help of someone with a powerful magic that can make a powerful demonial sigil, that can open the gate from hell to take them here. That's the only way for them to walk into this realm. And that's what their true objective. It's been their plan all along. The killings. The same MO patterns. The sigils. The locations of the killings. All of it was planned by them. So that they can open a gateway for demons to come here in our realm."

Gasp filled the room, while I felt a shiver on my spine. It is much worse than what I've imagined.

"Wait? A demonial sigil? You said that before right, that they are making a sigil all around the town. And they planned all of this... Don't tell me..." Seth suddenly state, his face turn completely pale while he start trembling.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I finally voice out.

Rafael, move his eyes towards me. A pain expression begin to swirl around his eyes. And I can't help myself when I lift my hands and brush my knuckles on his soft cheeks. Wishing that I can take the pain away from him.

"It only means one thing, the Fiinte Final wants to sacrifice all the humans in this town and turn them into demons..."


The sun is almost setting, as the darkness begins to cast its shadows.

A man with a tall built emerge from the trees. He has dark brown hair and silver grey eyes, and sporting a scowl on his handsome face.

He knew that his father have been killed by Rafael, and like he thought he's here to stop his plans..his father's legacy.

But he is not like his father. As he is far more powerful than him. No one can stop his plan, not even the most powerful vampire.

Surely his wait is almost complete. Not far from now, all of his effort will be rewarded as his King will come back again..

Soon, yes very soon....



I am watching the others faces turn pale after I told them what might happen to the humans once the sigil completes.

I know its all overwhelming. And truly beyond their expectations. But they need to know. No, they have the right to know.

"Rafael, are you okay?" Seb, suddenly ask while he take my hands and squezze it gently.

"Yeah, how about you?" I ask back, and look at him worriedly.

"I am going to be okay. But I'm gonna admit its all crazy. And surely we didn't expect that its this messed up.." He huff, and suddenly stand and sit next to me. "But at least I know now that you are my mate and I'm happy knowing that you are here with me.."

I felt a sudden rush on my veins and I'm sure that my once dead heart almost jump out of my chest. Happiness filled my chest and my ears perk up when I heard him said that.

"I am too..." I whisper, while looking at him shyly under my lashes.

Someone clear their throat and I almost jump on my skin when I remember where exactly are we.

Glancing around, I saw the others looking at us with raise brows and knowing smirk.

"Really now? That's so cute coming from you, eh Raffy.." Letty's voice rang all over the room.

I saw Sebastian's face become red and I am sure if not for me being a vampire I will probably look worse.

I glare at Letty, almost wishing that I can kill the bitch with my icy stare. Tsk! Damn her for being an immortal!

Then suddenly, we all stop doing everything we are doing as we become rooted on our sits when one of their warrior came in the door.

"Alpha, a group of teenagers got attacked again!"


(A/N: Seth on the side...)

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