Chapter 13

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I can't believe what I'm seeing right now.

Its all the same with the other incidents but, to whatever luck this kids have; no one died.

And that is something I have a hard time believing. Their group can do everything they wish to do, but why they don't? They can kill them like they're killing bugs, so why they didn't?

Its a true mystery, and honestly my mind can't think of any possible answer. And while I'm watching the police question the group of teenagers, I saw someone I knew.


Yes, him. The bad boy guy who always cut classes to go with his friends. And like the others he is sporting bruises and cuts all over his body.

They're clearly shaken while giving their statement to the police officers and I won't blame them, after experiencing something like tha-

"They are admitting that no one attack them.." Rex suddenly cut through my thoughts when he hop on the car with a grim expression.

I lift my brow at him, as I cross my arms in front of my chest. "And what do you think?"

Sighing, he look at me with weary eyes. "I think they were attack but not by that 'group'. They don't reek with magic, but some sort of gunpowder, sweat and human blood.."

I slump back on my seat and close my eyes. "What the fuck? Then, how about those marking that we saw around the place..and the claw marks on some trees?!" I snap angrily as I open my eyes and look at him.

He begin to fidget nervously on his seat, as he fiddle the hem of his shirt.


"..umm Sir, I think that all  the marks are all Fiinte Final's doing. And they probably plan to kill another group of teenager who are from what I investigated are actually going to camp here tonight."

I furrow my brows as I stare to Rex with unbelieving eyes. "You're not telling me that, these guys just so happen to be at the wrong place and the wrong time... Because seriously, that is totally unbelievable.."

Rex just nod his head, still fidgeting uncontrollably. Sighing loudly, I look at the group in front of our car.

"Come on then, if you know this group of teen, we need to find them. And God, as soon as possible. Because I know that group's principle, and that's to finish what they have started."

God, I even thought that me and Seb can finally have our bonding time..

Geez, what a cock block!!


Its almost dawn when we finished our rounds, and thankfully no casualties.

Tiredly, I slowly trudge towards the building as Rex begins to walk behind me.

But when I saw a familiar figure outside the building, I quicken my steps.

"Hey, what are you doing he-"

Whatever I want to say become muffle when Sebastian suddenly hug me. His arms wound up tightly around my slender waist.

"Where have you been? I'm so worried!!! You didn't comeback when you left yesterday, and you never answered my calls. I don't know what to think, so I come here hoping to meet you. But that woman Letticia, said that you didn't come home since last night. So I waited for you here..."

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