Chapter 8

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"Please Raffy, can you stop grinning like a creepy lunatic.. Its pretty disturbing.." Letticia scoff as she lift her delicate brow at me.

My eyes sparkle while my smile become bigger as I look at her through the papers that I've been reading.

Its still early in the morning, but as usual I am busy reviewing some files that came from the main office.

"Well, I can't help it because I'm really happy now Letty.."

She leans on the counter as her calculating eyes look at me, while crossing her arms in front of her chest. "Really? So I presume that your werewolf lover do something to you, eh?"

My cheeks suddenly turn red when I remember our passionate heated kiss..but I don't think vampires can blush right? But I think its still possible. I thought to myself as I bring my hands to my cheeks... Oh well at least that's what I am feeling right now..

But a sudden loud laughter cut my internal argument. Whipping my head towards Letticia, I saw her laughing hard as she clutch her sides tightly.

"Oh gosh Raffy, you should have seen your face! Hahaha! You look so hilarious, oh god!"

I frown at her, "Its not funny." I huff as I glare at her, making her flinch.

Silence engulf us, while I bring my eyes back to the papers I'm reading. But I can still feel Letticia's eyes at me.

"Hey Raffy, where that came from?"

I glance at her, as I saw her eyeing my mug that has steaming dark red liquid on it.

"Hmm, you know that blood is the only thing that I can consume right?" I inquire, as I drop the papers on the table and took the mug and take a long sip.

I saw her eyes darken as she clenched her jaw. "I know that Raffy, but I'm sure that the blood your drinking right now is not from human. So where it came from?"

I just eye her boredly as I continue drinking, but when I saw her become more anxious I drop the mug and stare at her seriously.

"Letty, you know that I trusted you. And believe me, that I treat you as my friend. But sometimes there are things that I can't tell you. Things that will be good to remain unsaid..." I slowly stood up and walk over the window, opening the blinds I look down the streets below the apartment, while the sun slowly rose in the sky as the people starts waking up.

"There are darkness in me, that I can not tell to anyone even to you.." I said as I turn and look at her.

We become quiet. No one is saying anything.

Then she let out a sigh as she put her hands on her hips. Her eyes change back to being cheerful. "Okay I won't ask anything.. Ugh, that is so awkward. I wan--"

Whatever she wanted to say stop when the front door suddenly creaks open, as Rex tired form came in.

"You're back.." I state as I walk towards him.

"Yes sir, sorry for being lat-.. Oh Miss Letticia, you're also here.. Good morning ma'am." He grumbles as he walk towards the kitchen and deposited himself in a chair.

I get a glass of water and gave it to him. While he's drinking the water, I take a sit in front of him and look at him seriously.

"So, what do you got?"

He's face become grim as he gave me a brown evelope. "You're right Sir, not just the whole theory thing even the right place where you deduce the markings would be..its all on the spot. The whole thing is seriously deeper than we thought it would be as I discovered that a powerful pack might be helping our main target too.."

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