Chapter 19

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''How are you feeling, Zainn?'' I softly ask to the boy who is lying on the soft mattress. He looks feverish, while he tremble beneath the duvet.

Its been months since I last saw him, and I notice that he gain more weight. And even though he is covered by thick blankets I can still clearly see the changes with him.

His face is more rounder than before, even his body. Squinting my eyes, I sat down and peer at him more closely. An unknown smell waft through me, making my eyes grew wider. Looking at Trenton, I can see him getting more worried as he wait for whatever I'm gonna say.

Not just him, everyone is anxiously gaping at me. I finally realized that they probably don't have any idea on what might Zainn's true condition is. Well, the smell is not strong enough for werewolves to notice. And his weight is understandable, because he probably ate a lot. But still, its not rare. I think I've heard something about this.

''I'm okay, but sometimes I feel very weak...'' Zainn slowly whisper.

''Well, that might be the case, considering your condition. So for safety purposes you need to take care of yourself more, and eat a lot of healthy foods okay..'' I mutter while ruffling his more longer hair, but I grew rigid when I saw a mark on his neck.

''Is he okay? There is nothing wrong with him?'' Trenton, frantic voice snap me from my trance.

''Its not possible...'' I softly murmur.

''What do you mean?'' Kim exclaim.

Turning around, I saw them looking at me worriedly. Then I felt Seb hands slowly wound around my shoulders.. ''Breath, Raffy..''

'' there something wrong with me, Rafael?..'' Zainn's ask, his voice is trembling. Trenton suddenly run towards him and gently lift him up and place him on his lap, rubbing his back lovingly while he begins to rock him back and forth.

''Everything is going to be alright, baby...'' Trenton whisper at him.

My breathing hitch, when I felt hundreds of presence surrounding us. ''Trenton, hurry and take Zainn. Deathon, Kim go with them...''

Kimmton eyes glow as he look at me, while Trenton look at me fearfully. ''Why? What's going on??'' Trenton ask, while he haul Zainn from the mattress.

''Tsk, you should not come here! Fuck, they're coming for Zainn...'' I sneer loudly, as my body starts morphing. My hair begins lengthening, while my body begins to grow bigger.

''What do you mean?'' Seb suddenly utter while he looks at my body, totally bewildered.

"Zainn is pregnant with Trenton's child..''

Total silence, engulf us but it was suddenly broken when Zainn starts laughing. ''That's impossible.'' He chuckle, but when he saw my serious face he stop. His body trembles uncontrollably, while tears slowly fall from his eyes.

''That is impossible...''

Sighing, I walk towards him and look at him intensely. ''Yes you are and because the demon Lemuelle bestowed you some of his powers when he possessed your body, you become part demon. Just imagine, you a human and half demon. And Trenton, who is descended from a demon. There is a possibility that your child might be a powerful one, with a lot of demon power on him or her. But unfortunately it seems that the cult that we have been battling for a while now had learned about you, and I think they want your child...''

Zainn's breahing hitch as he brought his small hands around his small bump, shaking his head. ''No, I can't let them take away my baby!'' He screeched.

Trenton's grip around his mate tightened, caging him protectively. ''Dont worry, Zainn. I won't let them!! I will kill anyone who will hurt you and my unborn child!!''

To my horror the windows burst and completely shatter, as the door collapsed. ''Suit yourselves...'' A familiar voice exclaimed behind us.

Whirling, I become breathless when I saw a familiar face looking at us blankly. His eyes is lifeless, not even blinking as if he didn't recognized us.


His friends at that time is with him too, and like him they have the same look on their eyes.

''What have you done??!'' I screech to the man who is looking at me with wicked eyes and a smug smirk.

He laugh mockingly, but after a while his face contort with fury. ''How does it feels like, huh?? I've been waiting for this moment.. To finally see you suffer as you grovel beneath me! I will let you feel what my mother and I felt when you killed my father... But I didn't thought that you will be the one who will bring us the perfect body for my master..''

We slowly scoot away from him, encircling Zainn protectively while the white robed men came in from the door and the windows.

''Finally, my master will come back to us. Don't fight us anymore, and just gave us that boy who carry the perfect vessel for my king...''

A loud growl escape from Trenton as he protectively hug the trembling form of Zainn. Kim and Deathon starts to crouch down while they readied themselves.

''Never..''I sneered.

He just smirk, then he jump at me.


Its almost an hour when we started fighting and I can feel it. We're almost winning.

''A death God, I should have known..'' The man exclaim while panting heavily. His white robed warriors are all dead, as Kim didn't gave them any chance. Killing them all without feeling any remorse.

Silas, and his friends beside this guy are the only ones remain standing.

''You should give up now, as no one will help you anymore...''

''Did you forgot, I still have the humans with me. They are good quality warriors, and I'm sure they can kill you without problem...'' He states smugly.

I sigh, and look at him coldly. I saw him flinch a little and it actually felt good.. At least he knows that he needed to fear me. ''But don't forget that I'm the one who gave them life, and I can take it away from them with just a snap of my fingers..''

And like I said, I really did it. One by one, they begin to fall on their feet. Giving a life to an almost dead person might be hard but taking it back is much easier. I felt a vile formed in the pit of my stomach because I knew these people and they don't deserve to be treated this way.

I learned Silas past when I look at his mind, and it is full of hardships. But I am sure that he won't like to be treated like a doll and command him to do this.

''You can't do anymore, you're all alone now. Just give up...'' I begin walking over at him but coldness suddenly creep towards my flesh making me stop. The air becomes chilly as the ground starts to froze.

''Your late boss..'' he suddenly state as he stood up and dusted his clothes.

A shiver run through my spine, when a familiar scent waft through me. Snapping my head up. I saw another familiar face, but this face is much different to the one I once knew. Because now her face is morphed with so much hate as she looks down at us. Hugging on the arm of another man who is standing beside her.

This guy is much younger and handsomer too, a hypnotic and alluring smile is painted on his lips while he looks directly at me.. but I didn't gave him any attention when I look back at the woman beside him..



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