Chapter 5

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Thea's scream almost broke my eardrum and honestly I think I might be deaf now.

"Ugh, Thea! What the hell?? Why did you scream?!" Kody huff angrily while shaking his head.

We have annoyed faces while looking at Thea.

"Opps, my bad.." She mutter softly while looking at us with big innocent eyes.

Shaking my head at her, I look around the room but there's nothing out of ordinary there. There's not even a single person in here, but seriously I'm really sure that I heard voices coming from this room.

Walking over the windows, I heightened my sense of sight but I don't see anything out of ordinary. Well, there is an open window but nothing out of place or suspicious around the area. I can't even feel anyone around, beside us of course.

"There is no one here...." Seth mumble, as he walk beside me..

"I guess so.." I mutter nonchalantly.

"Then what the fuck happened before??" Kody stutter with wide feared eyes.

That's what make us shiver from an unknown fear. Even our wolves are scared and that's saying something.

What's happening???


I am leaning in our car, the others are talking among themselves when my father with some pack warriors arrive.

"Hey, Seb are you okay son?" Dad ask, his face is full of worry as he inspect my face carefully.

"Yeah dad, no need to freak out.."

"What happened?" Seth's father ask while they look at us worriedly.

"We don't know, its just we heard some crash. Then suddenly a chair is thrown in one of the window. But when we go there and inspect there's nothing there. Everything is normal and even the chair that's thrown outside seems to disappear from out of nowhere." I state in a slow voice so that they can pick everything I said.

They become scared and worried. Even my father, but his face suddenly turn hard.

"Let's go home. We need to rest and I need to report this to Rex." Dad state..

And with a last look at the school, I shiver when a bone chilling breeze kisses my skin. I don't know where it came from, but I have a feeling that's whatever it is, its already beginning..



Mr. Kern, I mean his demon counterpart scream loudly when Rex whip him so hard that I knew a few of his bone broke.

I am sitting in a comfy chair as I watch them. The demon is panting hard but its eyes is still full of defiant while it look at me straightly.

"I'm not going to talk, even though you kill me!!" He sneer at me menacingly.

I look at him boredly not even blinking. But suddenly a phone ring.

"Answer it." I said to Rex.

"Yes, sir.." He walk out of the room, leaving me with the demon.

The demon's eyes turn bright and michevious when he saw Rex leave me alone.

"So sweety angel..we are all alone,..finally!!" He shriek while he jump at me, just to fall back again when the chain restrain his whole body.

"Angel, let me free! So we can be together again! My lovely beautiful angel!!" He screech, while trashing around.

I saw Rex head peer on the door and look at me with a worried face. "Sir, its Mr. Silvester he said that he wants to talk to me about something."

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