Chapter 2

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The car stop in the side of the road, near the beach where yellow tapes are securing the whole place. The sun is almost down and darkness are beginning to cast its shadows.

I see some locals in the area. And there are group of werewolves who is obviously looking around the place. They are dressed in police uniforms so I presume that they are from the area and investigating the crime scene.

"Go on Rex, and ask what improvements they have on the case I'm just gonna stay here and wait for you..." I state, Rex murmur an okay and hurriedly hop out of the car and walk over them.

I am very thankful that I hide my scent and even my aura before the plane lands, because looking at this place now, I am sure that whoever did this is someone who is pretty clever.

I smirk when I saw the tranluscent bluish shield sorrounding the whole place. Its a clever move, I must say. It is a shield that let the maker identify the person who came contact with it. And its not very visible to just anyone, and I am sure that those werewolves don't even felt it.

Now whoever is behind this might know that the local werewolves community and some personnel from the council is investigating them. I just need to wait for their next move, as a silent observer from the shadow.

Casting a glance towards Rex as he starts talking to a werewolf, I let my eyes roam around the place..

Its a very strategic place to commit a crime. There are houses but all of it is over the street and very far from here. Its far from other establishments and it might not be a place where many people gathered.

There are street lamps but its all not working that's pretty weird for a rich town like this...hmn, is that?..

Making my sight heightened I look at it closely and I am sure now, that the crime is all planned. But the question is why them?

I mean they are all local kids and best friends since freshmen year..why pick them anyway?

Picking my phone beside me, I dialed Rex number. "Rex, let the police take a look at the fuse boxes of the street lamps." I said. "And come back, its already late. I still have a lot of things I need to do."

From the car, I saw the group of police hurriedly run towards the lamp post just to let out a loud growl when they saw that it was destroyed by some big claws. I can't believe that they don't actually saw it before, but oh well with the bodies and all no one would actually look at some damn lamp post..

"Sir, they are all angry. They are even thinking that some rogues have done it.. Do we have to tell them about the other cases.." Rex suddenly grumble when he came in and close the door.

"No need, its still too early for them to know. They will just make a big ruckus if they ever learned about that. And there is a big chance that our main target might suspect anything and fled." I said, while looking at him seriously.

"Understand Sir.."

"And that's also the reason why I don't came out of the car. They do not know me and what I look like so it will gave us some leverage on this. That's why I will be assigning you personally to become my eyes and ears to the werewolf community. You will report back every information that you can gather to me. Understood." I state coldly.

"Yes, sir.." He reply with a couple of nod.

"Good, now can we go already. I'm pretty beat up, God I want to shower..." I whine. And I smirk internally when I saw him smile at me before he start the engine and drove away.

Well, at least he is getting used to me..


Its already six in the morning. The sun is almost out, but I'm still sitting on the chair I'm sitting in the whole night as I peer closely at the picture in my hand.

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