Chapter 15

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I know Rafael needs time after all what happened, but still it didn't hurt less seeing him slowly crumble infront of me. As he bury himself in so much work, never stopping to rest. Detaching himself to every one, except from me. And the most painful thing is when we are alone, he will cling to me like a baby and cry brokenly. I wanted to help him, believe me I tried but he just shrugged me off.

Its been a week since that tragic night. Letty died and the teenagers were kidnapped. We didn't know if they are dead already as the Fiinte Final stop being active. We still don't know where exactly they are, and honestly it only make us more frustrated than ever.

Though its more harder for Rafael, knowing that he is the head of the Council. As the High Members always pressured him in solving the case as soon as possible.

Those old foxes! Always demaning! They didn't even give my mate the needed rest that he needs. Rafael might be powerful and strong but still he is not a machine, he still need to unwind and take a breather once and a while.

"What have you been thinking?" Kody's voice suddenly ask, turning around I saw him take a seat beside me.

"You know him Kody, of course the usual!" Seth shrugged as he slump at the open sit in front of me, while putting the tray which is full of food on the table.

"I'm just worried about him. He's not being his normal self, he even stop coming to school.."

"Well you can't tell him what to do, and of course he has a lot of work to do being the head of Council and all.." Kody exclaimed as he chug his orange juice.

Shrugging, I look around the cafeteria. I will admit I feel envy to the other teens, especially the humans. They are not experiencing what I am experiencing right now. They are all carefree, happy and enjoying the time that they have.

"Because they do not know the true danger out there." Seth suddenly state, snapping me from my deep thought. Looking at him, I saw him looking at me with serious eyes.

"Wh- how?" I stutter.

He let out a big sigh, "You're face is very transparent Seb, and we are friends since we were kids reading you is just a piece of cake.."


"But Sebastian for the record they also have their own demons, we just don't know because they are hiding it behind their happy mask..." I feel a shiver in my spine after Seth said that, and then he just stood up and left us with shocked faces.

"Just let him be, Seb..." Kody state when I abruptly stood up.

"But what if he need us?"

"He will just be fine, don't worry..."

Reluctantly I sat down again, hoping that Seth is quite alright.


I wrap my arms around Rafael, when I came in our room and saw him standing beside the window.

"Not now Sebastian, I am thinking about something.." He hissed when I begin to kiss his bare neck. But I didn't stop as I suck the soft flesh around his collarbone.

"I said no!" He snap angrily, shoving me away from him. And because I'm shocked by his actions, I stumble on my feet and fall on the hard floor.

Pain filled me, when he rejects me like that. I felt my wolf howl in pain, then my eyes glisten and I know that I'm on the verge of crying. "Why you're always like this? I understand that you are in pain because your friend died but its not enough for you to reject me like this, for the love of Goddess I'm your mate!" I croaked.

I saw his face crumble, but then it stop as his face turn cold. "No you wouldn't understand." He state coldly, and turn his back as he walk out the room.

My mind start to swirl, as my breathing become ragged. It hurts, so painful. I feel him beginning to close his heart to me, and as his mate its a big blow for me. My wolf is crying, calling for him to come back. As tears started to flow on my cheeks, and I become filled with so much pain.

Thankfully my mind is close on the pack link, because it won't be good if my parents and pack members feel my pain. But still, the pain that stabbing my heart relentlessly is so painful that my mind become numb.

Standing up, I slowly trudge towards the window. Sniffing the air, I can still smell my mate in the house. But I know that I can't see him now like this, because I don't want him to see me this weak. I am afraid that he will hate me more, knowing that he is far much stronger than I am.

That's maybe why, I didn't hesitate to jump on the open window and abruptly shift and run away.

It might be cowardly but right now, its the only thing that I can do.



I saw him get hurt when I shove him away from me, but I don't want him to know that it hurts me more to see him like that. For the past days, I've been thinking and I decided that I needed to be more stronger, if I don't want him to get hurt.

And to do that, I need to get away from him. I don't want that stupid cult to sniff out that he is my mate. And I am sure that I won't make it, if there is something bad happen to him. I love him so much, and I am ready to sacrifice everything just for him.

Not to add that Rex already get a clue on where the Fiinte Final are and I'm thankful for him, because even though I become more colder in this past few days, he's still working very hard on the case. Thankfully, Kimmton is coming next week too, because I will need his powers more than anything. Now, it will be our turn to attack. Hopefully, it will be the end of them.

''Hey Rafael, have you seen Seb?" Kody, Sebastian's friendly suddenly ask. Looking up at him, I saw his face which is full of worry.

''He is on our room just a while ago." I answer back, my voice laced with worry.

"But he is not there, we've been searching for him but we can't see him. And that damn fool close his pack link so we can't talk to him. Fuck, where is he?"

My body start to tremble, while my mind become blank. Then I suddenly ran upstairs, not even stopping when Kody called me.

My breathing hitch when I saw the dark room, not even opening the light I walk over the bed. Feeling the soft mattress, the bitter cold from the sheets are the only thing that I felt. Because of that I'm sure that he is gone for a while now.

Fear start to creep inside me, as my mind start to wonder on every possibilities on what might happened to him. Suddenly, I feel a soft breeze, turning around I saw the open window. I clutch my chest tightly, when I thought that he might run away because of me.

Without hesitation I jump out of the window and run fast.


Its almost an hour since I start running to look for Seb, but I still can't find him. I'm almost on the verge on breaking into tears, when I suddenly heard someone sniffling. Walking towards it, my inside starts to break when I saw Sebastian sobbing painfully.

I did this to him....

My eyes start to water from unshed tears, as I begin to walk towards him. Seeing him so broken like this makes me guilty beyond words.

How can I do this?

I don't want anyone to hurt him, but I'm the one who's hurting him most. He flinch a little when he saw me stop in front of him. Crouching down I am about to hug him, but he just scoot further away from my touch.

'I guess I deserve that' is what I thought when I remember what happened this afternoon.

Looking at him, I saw how hurt he is. As his eyes swirl with so much pain while he look at me, and even though I'm being a douche I can't help myself to appreciate how handsome he is.

My mouth open, wanting to tell him that I'm sorry but he spoke first completely shattering me.

"Let's break up.."


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