Chapter 6

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"Hey Rafael!" A voice hollered. Turning around, I saw Kody running towards me.

"Hi, what's up?" I ask with a smile.

Its actually very funny that I'm kind of close to them now. Just not with Sebastian because for some unknown reason he didn't go to school for almost a week now.

I'm pretty worried, but I can't really ask anything to his friends knowing they don't know that I'm his mate.

"The guys want to ask you if you want to hang out with us after school?" I quirk my brows at him.

"Are you sure?" I ask, while I shove my bag in my locker after taking my binder and books that I will need.

"Of course, duh.." He said in a very unmanly voice that I almost choke my own spit as I suddenly whip my head at him and look at him incredously. "What.."

"Well Kody, I don't know but you just sound so gay.." I smirk at him, and he just grin while shrugging his shoulders.

"So what? There's nothing wrong in being gay, right? Oh god, don't tell me your homophobe??" I just look at him with shocked face.

"Oh God, I'm just messing with you Rafael. I'm not gay, but I'm not completely straight either. I'm bi actually.." He state while we begin to walk side by side. "But anyway, back to my question.. Do you want to hang out with us after school?"

"Um, I don't know.."

"Come on, its going to be fun and Sebastian really want to meet you too. That guy is actually excited when we told him that you are coming.." He exclaim. I felt my heart flutter inside my chest when he said Sebastian's name. God, I miss him..

"Where is he anyway?" I blurted out, while I look at him with questioning eyes. I saw his face grow dark, as he clenched his jaw.

"He has some family problem, but its going to be just fine. We won't let anything bad happen to him, so don't worry.."

I can't help to feel nervous. I really want to know what's wrong but he might get suspicious and I don't want him to. But I'm worried with Sebastian, whats wrong with him anyway?


I don't know if its a good idea. No definitely not! For someone of my age, I don't know that I will feel this scared. But damn its really scary!

I cringe when small hands brush on my legs. Looking down, I fake a smile when I see cute blue eyes peering at me.

"Hey, not fair! Mister we also want to play!!" Small voices yell as I suddenly fell on my face when I felt a dozen of small bodies jump at my back.

I'm actually in the pack house. And I don't know what came to me to agree with Kody to come here, even though I know that it won't be good to be here. Especially now..

Oh well, at least I saw Sebastian. And as always he is still as sexy as I remember him. Even though he has bag around his eyes and look tired as fuck he's still pretty attractive for me.

I'm actually wondering what they're problem is, because its pretty obvious that there is an invincible tension around them when I felt it the first time I walk in the door. I also don't want to intrude. And I can't ask Rex because he is not here at the moment. As I order him to look something for me.

While I become lost in my thoughts, I suddenly let out a screech when I see the ground near my face but warm big hands, pull me securely on my waist before I even fall on the grassy ground.

"Guys, not cool! Don't scare our guest like that.. Come on, and move. It seems nana bake some cookies for you!!" A husky voice state sternly, earning small groans around us.

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