Chapter 20

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"Why? Letty, why?" I ask the woman standing in front of us, who I thought was my friend.

She smiles evilly, "Sorry to tell you but I'm not my deranged sister.. I'm clearly much powerful than her!" she snap whle flipping her hair.

"Gosh Raffy, I'm not that ugly. And please.. You know that I hate red.." A familiar cheery voice exclaimed when a sudden warm breeze form beside me, revealing a woman with Letticia's face.

"Huh? What? Eh, what the fuck?" I frantically said as I move my head from the woman in front of me, then towards the woman beside me, completely bewildered.

"Raffy, I know its confusing but we don't have enough time. There are a lot of them and if we don't leave now, the humans might see us. And that will be a big problem..." The Letticia beside me, suddenly states.

"Okay.... Kim, Deathon protect Zainn. And Trenton make sure that Zainn is alright. We're leaving.." I ordered, while I took Seb hands with me and intertwine our fingers.

"And how will you leave, you can't match our powers.. You're just a lowly vampire!" The woman who looks like Letticia in front of me sneer. Surprisingly the guy beside him just look at us with a weird expression and frown when he saw my hand who is holding tightly with Seb.

He suddenly look at my eyes, and squint his eyes. And for an unknown reason he become angry.

But I just move my eyes away from him and close my eyes to concentrate, letting my power to flow from me. But suddenly I felt a pain shoot through me.

I scream and open my eyes, just to see the man from before already infront of me.

"No!! Rafael!" I heard someone call out. But I can't move my body or even function my mind, as an encruciating pain filled me deeply within.

My head sway down, and my eyes widen when I saw a hand piercing my stomach. I clench my teeth and look up, and saw the guy from before smiles at me.

I felt him, his blood pulsing in his hand as it move deeply inside me. Calling me, to feed. I whip my head at him when I finally realize what he is.

"You fucking deserve that Rafael Constantine for killing my whole clan, and my father... For making my mother suffer. For making me go through all the sufferings that I don't deserve." Someone laugh, and my head snap at them. And I watched Seb launch at us while crying but a force field is surrounding us, throwing his body forcefully away.

Kim and Deathon is looking at me with shocked faces but suddenly a horde of white robed man came in again and start attacking them.

I chuckle internally, but flinch when I feel his hand move twisting it around inside me.

I heard Zainn cry my name, and Trenton's voice making him calm down.

"Look at your leader now, Sister. He is just weak like the others. And I can't believe that you're serving under him. That's pathetic!" Someone screech.

"Pathetic! You are the one who is pathetic serving under a human. And where do you get that Fhelly!"

I cough, when I felt him grab my lungs and squeeze it hard. Its so painful...

But I didn't ask for help nor cry from pain. Suddenly the wall burst out, and Seb's father with some of the pack warriors came in.

God, now I need to clean all of the damage here..

Not a very good thought.. I really don't like to clean after other people's work.

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