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Sometimes, the unexpected happens, and it could be either good or bad. In this story, most events are unfortunate, but I'm glad to say that the lives of the Quagmire triplets get better as they grow up with their best friends, the Baudelaires.

Two years had passed since the Quagmires and the Baudelaires reunited. Violet inherited her parents' fortune, and the children stayed in a mansion that was built using some of the money she inherited. Hector managed to fix and improve his self-sustaining hot air mobile home, so he decided to take off in it and attempt to live there forever. Justice Strauss kept visiting the children from time to time, bringing presents and spending several days with them. Klaus and Isadora were now together, and so were Quigley and Violet. Duncan had gotten used to Quigley and Violet being a thing, and he claimed to have gotten over the girl he had once liked. 

It was an important celebration in the country, and the friends were celebrating, strangely, by spraying cars. The boys were particularly enjoying this, while the girls sat back on the grass and watched the boys go crazy. Duncan, Quigley, and Klaus were busy spraying cars with sticky spring spray, but not every driver seemed to enjoy this method of celebration. Quigley came across a shiny, black car, driven by a female who seemed to be very focused on where she was going. Duncan was watching his brother, knowing this wouldn't go well. He and Klaus stood there anxiously, waiting for the female's hilarious reaction, when they got the complete opposite of what they expected. Yes, the girl was startled, but she ended up smiling. They also heard her call,

"What's your name?" and they heard Quigley answer the obvious,


He had to yell because the car was moving at a pretty high speed, and was already quite far away when Quigley was asked for his name. The boys managed to see the girl turn away in shock, and slow her car down. 

That girl,

was me.


I took the closest U-turn, hoping to encounter the boys again. I figured that the boys standing a few meters away from Quigley were Klaus and Duncan. I also caught a glimpse of four girls, whom I figured were Violet, Isadora, Sunny, and Beatrice. Isadora being the girl who looked just like Duncan and Quigley, Beatrice being the youngest child, Sunny being the older child, and Violet being the only female left to identify. They were all easy to tell apart, thanks to all my research. 

I finally made it back to the familiar faces, and caught up with them before they were out of sight.

"Quigley," I called. He turned around and took a look at me. "I'm sorry, but do I know you?"

"No, but I know you," I replied. "This may be strange, but it'll require some further explanation."

The rest of the Quagmires looked at me quizzically, but I figured the air will be cleared once I explain everything. Luckily, I was invited to their wondrous mansion, where there were numerous rooms. They led me to the living room, and asked me to take a seat. We all sat down, and I began my lengthy explanation.

"It goes like this. My associate, Lemony Snicket, whom some of you have encountered, wrote an account on the lives of the Baudelaires. I got particularly interested in your story, Quagmires, and figured your lives needed a further look into. I researched, day and night, the sad and happy events of your lives, until I completed my account on your lives, triplets. I'm so glad to see you all safe and together, after all these years."

"That's-" Isadora began, then she paused, but I cut her off,

"You don't have to explain. I know, it's strange for someone to barge into your lives and tell you that they know everything about you."

"I guess it is," Violet piped in. "Would you like to stay with us?"

"Seeing as your not much older than us, maybe we could be friends," Duncan added.

"Thank you," I said appreciatively, "I'll stay." I indeed spent the rest of my day with them. The children were a lot of fun to be around, and Sunny had grown up so much. She was now able to talk fluently. It was quite impressive, noting that she was only five years old, and could speak as well as I could. Beatrice was great, too. She could walk on her own, and could babble a few understandable words. I'm really proud of how well these teenagers were able to raise the children.

Violet showed me around the massive house, which really did fascinate me. The first story held the large living room, the kitchen, and two guest bathrooms. The second story held six rooms, one being the guest room, and the others being for the people living there. Since Sunny and Beatrice the second were quite young, they shared a room with Violet, seeing as she's the oldest. Klaus, Duncan, Isadora, and Quigley each had their own room with their own design and vibe. The third story held two large rooms, occupying the entire floor. The first room was called 'The Reptile Chamber', and it held the most fascinating of reptiles. In small writing, the sign that held the name of the room stated 'In Loving Memory of Montgomery Montgomery.' The second room was called 'The Wild Greenery', and it held the wildest and most beautiful of plants. The sign that held the name of the room stated 'In Loving Memory of Adria Wilder.'

It had reached nighttime, and I was thanking everyone for allowing me to stay the day. I was glad to have met these people, for it left me comfortable knowing that they are safe and happy together. After thanking everyone except for Duncan, since he wasn't anywhere nearby, I began looking for him. Certainly, the first place I decided to look for him was his own room. For some unexplainable reason, I opened the door without knocking. I spotted Duncan seated on his small couch, writing something in his commonplace book. I caught a glimpse of what he wrote before he quickly slammed his book shut. Those words shattered my heart. He looked up at me, with a look of anxiousness on his face, and I shook my head with a look that said 'I didn't see anything.' 

"I just came here to thank you and say goodbye," I pointed out. He got up, 

"It was a pleasure," and he stuck out his hand for me to shake. However, I ignored that, and gave him a hug. He was startled at first, but he quickly returned it. I could tell he needed that hug, for he was reluctant of letting go. Eventually, he led me out of the house, and I walked out into the dark of night, with Duncan's few heartbreaking, handwritten words plastered to my head. 

"Dear Violet,

I still love you."

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