Chapter 3: The Assuring Adria

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When Mr. Poe's car finally came to a stop, Duncan Quagmire exited the car and gave a sigh of relief. He was followed by his sister, Isadora, and Mr. Poe, who, unsurprisingly, forgot to lock his car.

"Your new guardian sure has a beautiful home," stated Mr. Poe.

"I think I agree," said Isadora, slightly smiling.

"At least we'll live in a nice house," said Duncan.

Ms. Adria's land truly was beautiful. She had a forest of towering trees, which suddenly come to a stop, uncovering her three story house. This wonderful view seemed to really help improve the Quagmires' attitudes. However, I regret to say that the owner of this wonder wasn't as helpful to the Quagmires as her forest was to their attitudes.

"Welcome to my home, I'm Adria Wilders," said a young, smiling figure. She had jet black hair and shiny blue eyes. She was wearing a long navy blue dress that matched her eyes perfectly.

"Thank you, you've got a lovely home," mentioned Isadora.

"How do you do," asked Duncan kindly.

"I'm doing great," replied Ms. Adria, "I'm just glad to have two children as sweet as you," she continued. "Thank you, Mr. Poe," she added, "Have a nice day."

"Well I do need to get to the bank," replied Mr. Poe, "I might be getting a promotion!" he said excitedly as he left the beautiful garden.

"Goodbye, Mr. Poe," said Isadora. She saw Mr. Poe wave the back of his hand at her, his back still facing all three of them, and then start coughing. "My name is Isadora Quagmire and this is-" Isadora was cut off by Ms. Adria,

"I know who you are Quagmires. Isadora and Quigley Quagmire, am I right?" replied Ms. Adria.

"No you're not right," snapped Duncan. A figurative fire was roaring in his eye, fueled by anger and sadness. Isadora hit him slightly as a way of telling him to calm down and be polite. Duncan took a deep breath and continued, "Our brother Quigley died in the fire that destroyed our parents and our home," Duncan said frowning, "I'm Duncan."

"I'm really sorry, you look alike is all," replied Ms. Adria, frowning. Duncan rolled his eyes. 

"Alright, let me show you to your rooms then," stated Ms. Adria as she walked through the fancy halls of her house. Ms. Adria continued up the spiral staircase of her house, followed by Duncan and Isadora Quagmire. They then walked through another short hallway with a small pot where unusual blue roses were growing. "Here we are," said Ms. Adria as they all suddenly came to a stop. They all stood facing a vastly fascinating dorm containing a massive book shelf on one side and two beds on the other. There was a large money tree in the corner. Of course this money tree didn't grow real money. 

The Quagmires gazed in wonder, astonished by the looks of this room. There was a small, turquoise couch and a matching closet that seemed perfect for Duncan and Isadora's clothes and items, even though most of them are now ashes. "Do you like it?" asked Ms. Adria hopefully. 

"We love it," replied Isadora. Duncan, however, spotted a brown and golden book that seemed to have caught his eye. He walked towards it and pulled it out of the bookshelf. He saw a peculiar title stating: The Incomplete History Of Secret Organizations. When Ms. Adria saw him, she ran towards him and snatched the book from his arms before he could even flip the title page. 

"You can't read that," mentioned Ms. Adria. 

"Why not," wondered Duncan out loud. 

"I don't speak of it," stated Ms. Adria, "not after the death of my husband." 

"Oh, I'm sorry."

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