Chapter 9: The Cruel Count

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The Quagmires made some friends, ones who have shared similar experiences and have yet to share a series of unfortunate events.

The Quagmires were with the Baudelaires in the Orphan Shack, which was much more pleasing to the eye, thanks to Violet Baudelaire. They were trying to solve mysteries they had just discovered, and trying to understand why unexplainable events were occurring in each of their unfortunate lives.

"At Aunt Josephine's, we found a book that looked like it might contain some answers," Klaus told the two Quagmire triplets. Duncan pulled out his commonplace book, where he had drawn the book he had tried to read back at Ms. Adria's. "But we lost it in a hurricane before we had a chance to read it," continued Klaus Baudelaire. Duncan opened to the page where he draw the book named the 'Incomplete History Of Secret Organizations' and showed it to Klaus.

"Did it look like this book?" asked Duncan.

"Our last guardian locked it in a safe after she lost her husband," explained Isadora.

"If we all saw the same book, there has to be more copies," thought Violet aloud.

"But how can we find one?" asked Duncan.

"Is the school library open?" questioned Klaus thoughtfully.

"Not for long," sighed Isadora. 

They decided they must go to the library, in hopes of finding the mysterious book there. Upon their arrival, they saw the librarian shove Carmelita out of her library, placing a box into her hands and telling her to give it a good burial.

"But you told me you liked To Kill A Mockingbird, so I did it for you," said Carmelita maliciously, emphasizing her last few words as she looked at the Quagmires and the Baudelaires. The librarian grabbed her by her arms and spun her around.

"This is your last chance, Spats," she told her in frustration, "Next time, I call your mother and I steal your shoes." Carmelita ignored her warnings and began to sniff out loud. She smiled maliciously and turned towards the Quagmires and Baudelaires. The librarian looked at her in confusion and also turned towards the children, her finger still pointed threateningly at Carmelita Spats.

"I smell people who lost their parents in fires," chuckled Carmelita. Duncan and Isadora were frowning, so was the librarian. The Baudelaire siblings looked at Carmelita in disgust as she walked away.

"Quagmires," smiled the librarian, "And the Baudelaires. Lovely to see you, and together, I might add," she continued excitedly.

"Are you still open," asked Isadora anxiously.

"I'm afraid I was just locking up. Ten minutes goes by real fast," replied the librarian, still keeping a positive attitude. "But you can come back tomorrow," she quickly added. Violet walked up to her and began explaining,

"We can't wait until tomorrow. Please."

"We're trying to find a book," continued Isadora.

"An important book," clarified Duncan.

"We think it might have the answers to all of our questions," said Klaus.

"What's the title?" asked the librarian.

"The Incomplete History of Secret Organizations," Klaus told her. She gave him a smile and said,

"Let me see what I can do." She signaled them to follow her into the library and they did so, smiling appreciatively.  

When they entered the massive library, the librarian quickly picked up a timer and explained,

"We only have a few minutes before vice principal Nero comes by on his rounds. If he catches you here, he'll make you trim his toe nails."

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