Chapter 4: The Elite Elevator

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In my opinion, a person snatching something from you unexpectedly and without a proper explanation is strange. Duncan thought so too, since he found it weird, a word which means strange, that his  guardian, Ms. Adria, had snatched the book he had only held for a few seconds without a proper explanation. 

"Alright then, I'm going to prepare supper," said Ms. Adria.

"Do you need any help?" asked Isadora.

"It's your first day here, Quagmires, and I won't allow you to help me. Although I will soon need your help with my Wolfsbane plants, just not today," replied their guardian, and she walked away.

There are many beautiful plants on Earth, but some can be like people. They may look beautiful on the outside, but in reality, are deadly. The Wolfsbane flower is just like that. It has a beautiful shade of purple and it has such an unusual shape, but go near this flower, and you may meet your end. 

"Why do you think she took that book from me?" Duncan asked Isadora.

"I don't know. It seemed like she was hiding something," explained Isadora.

"Maybe," stated Duncan. "I know she said she doesn't speak of it after the death of her husband, but that doesn't seem like a proper explanation, which is weird."

"Well, at least we have this mini library in our room," continued Duncan after an awkward moment of silence.

"You're right," replied Isadora, "I'll take this book on Vastly Frightening Dangers: Flowers. Strange name, am I right?"

"It does seem grammatically incorrect, but I guess that's irrelevant," said Duncan.

"Aren't you going to take a book?" asked Isadora.

"I think I'll just write in my journal," answered Duncan.

"Alright then, brother," mentioned Isadora. In fact, Duncan had decided to write about his confusing and miserable day and mention the book he had tried to read.

The Quagmires had dinner soon after and immediately went to bed. Duncan had no trouble in his sleep, at least for a while. However, I can't say the same about Isadora.

"No!" screamed Isadora, waking up from her sleep. She sat up straight immediately. She had awoken Duncan too.

"Isadora? Are you alright?" asked Duncan, really worried.

"I," that was all she could let out before bursting into tears. Her brother ran up to her and gave her a little hug, which seemed to have comforted her a little because she had stopped crying.

"What happened?" asked Duncan.

"I had a nightmare, a flashback," said Isadora frowning as she held back her tears.

"It was about the fire, wasn't it?" questioned Duncan. Isadora nodded.

"I miss them. Mom, dad, Quigley," replied Isadora.

"I miss them too, Isadora, but it'll all be okay," stated Duncan, even though he had felt frightened himself. He let out a sigh and asked, "Do you think you will be able to fall asleep again?"

"I don't know, but I'll try. It's way too early to wake up, and we both need the rest," she replied. Duncan nodded in agreement and went back to bed. He fell asleep quite easily after he tried not to think of his sister sobbing again. Isadora, however, held on tight to her blanket, trying hard not to cry again. It took her a while, but in the end, she too, fell asleep.

The next morning, Duncan woke up before Isadora. He went to the bathroom to wash his face. As he was leaving the bathroom, he bumped into Ms. Adria, who was wide awake.

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