Chapter 27: The Rapturous Reunion

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Losing your friends is a painful feeling, especially if you lost them as they attempted to save you. However, the Quagmires did not have to experience that particular feeling in this chapter of their lives. They, in fact, went through the complete opposite, and better yet, a certain missing person was waiting on that small boat too.

"Quigley!" Violet was heard yelling, and another girl seemed to jump in joy.

Justice Strauss saw someone; someone that looked particularly familiar. "That looks like-"

"Isadora!" Duncan yelled. 

He and his brother were now soaking wet due to their walk in the water. They approached the boat, their eyes gleaming with joy.

Their friends had paddled the boat towards them, and Isadora found herself sobbing into the arms of her brothers. 

When the Quagmires seemed comfortable enough to talk, the Baudelaires decided to introduce the baby on the boat.

"This is Beatrice the second," Klaus introduced.

"Her mother, Kit Snicket, passed away shortly after she gave birth to her," Violet added.

The Quagmires frowned at this news, but their expressions quickly changed when Sunny spotted Justice Strauss and Hector.

After the long but comforting hugs, and after Duncan and Quigley finally left their sister, Klaus approached her. 

"Should we tell them?" Klaus asked her.

"Right after those two love birds confess their liking for each other," giggled Isadora as she pointed to Quigley and Violet, who were sitting on the boat. "I wonder how Duncan will react to this couple."

"Me too."


Quigley reluctantly placed his hand onto Violet's and admitted, "I've missed you."

They were both blushing a deep red when Violet said, "Me too."

There was a long pause before Quigley asked, "How did you guys end up here?"

"It's a really long story, Quigley."

"Well, I'm just glad that you're safe, and that we're together."

Violet slowly rested her head onto Quigley's shoulder and whispered,

"There's something I need to tell you."

"Me too."

"You first."

Violet felt Quigley's hand sweat onto hers, but she didn't mind. "After what happened on the mountains, I couldn't stop thinking about you. I don't know how to say this, Violet, but I'll just say it. I love you. I've loved you ever since the day I met you."

"Quigley, I-"

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I-"

Violet placed her finger over Quigley's mouth and whispered, "I love you too."


"Hey, love birds!" yelled Isadora, directing her call to Quigley and Violet, who were now blushing lightly. 

"Shut it, Kladora," Quigley mocked.

Klaus and Isadora seemed really uncomfortable at the moment, but Klaus broke the awkward silence by saying, "Where will we stay?"

"My house, of course," Justice Strauss piped in.

"No, we can't possibly ask that of you," Violet admitted, holding hands with Quigley and standing by the other couple of the group. Duncan forced a smile when he noticed Quigley's hand in Violet's. When Quigley saw the look on Duncan's face, he immediately pulled his hand away from hers and Violet gave him an understanding look.

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