Chapter 17: Cafés and Apologies

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Monica's P.O.V.

I wish I could say that nothing interesting happened after gym class but I couldn't because something did happen. Unless you call a guy grabbing you by the arm and asking you to listen to him not interesting then no, nothing interesting happened.

"My gosh! Do you even know what 'shut up' means?!" I almost screamed at his face.

"Mony, just hear me ou-" he pleaded.

"I told you to shut up! I don't wanna hear anything coming from that mouth of yours so shut it!" I yelled, trying to pull my arm away, "Let me go! Josh, let me go."

"No," he said sternly, "I'm not going to let go unless you hear me out."

"Look, I'm sorry that I kissed you without your permission. I just, I really can't explain it 'cause I don't even know why I did it. I know that I really fucked up big time. When I ignored you and you ignored me, I guess it just kinda clicked that I missed you and-" he took a deep breath, "and, I know that I could've done something else to show that but I really didn't know what made me do it. I'm so sorry. I'm really really sorry for stealing that kiss, I'm sorry for being the reason that those rumors spread, I'm so sorry if I hurt you Mony. I really am."

Josh looked sincere, he searched my eyes for something, anything. He saw that I was just staring at the wall blankly, refusing to meet his eyes. He gripped my arm harder making me wince and whimper.

"Josh, let me go. Please." He looked determined to get some answer out of me and he squeezed my arm harder, "Josh, let me go. Y-you're hurting me." I grimaced.

Josh loosened his grip and I immediately took my arm and cradled it to my chest. I peered at it to see a red spot, making it's into becoming a bruise.

I looked at Josh cautiously, tears stinging but I didn't feel the urge to cry. I guess it was just because of the sting coming from my eyes but I couldn't be so sure.

If possible, Josh looked even guiltier and sad maybe even a little...mad. I don't know why he was mad but I could actually see some anger swimming beneath those brown orbs.

I gulped audibly, clutching my backpack before walking away while biting my bottom lip.

When I was close to the doors, I fastened my pace and finally going out of the building, I speed-walked to the parking lot. Feeling the cool breeze pick up, I tightened the second layer of clothing around me, which is my zip-up sweater over my pull-over.

I looked for Brandon's car in the lot but I couldn't find it. I looked confused for a moment, Brandon wouldn't leave me, would he? Maybe he forgot that he took me with him this morning.

I took my phone out of my pocket, dialling Brandon's number. After three rings, he finally answered.

"Yellow." He chirped.

"Where are you?" I said as finely as I could with my shaky breath.

"Right..." He let out a small grunt, "in front of you."

And he was actually. His Camaro pulled up right in front of me as he said the last two words.

He rolled his window down, revealing him with a big, optimistic grin on his face. He was still clutching his phone which makes me remember something. I hung up the call and rolled my eyes with a small smile.

I went to the right side of his car and entered the passenger seat.

"How did you even know I was already here?" I asked Brandon as soon as I sat down on the cool leather.

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