Chapter 31

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Mike felt fresh sweat dripping down his face as he started to hammer a huge stick. He was so tired, but he was almost finished. And he knew this would all be so worth it. He was already dreaming of the sweet smile he would see from his smaller boyfriend. His eyes brightening up when he sees the work Mike just did. The giggles that would come from his mouth full of pure excitement and happiness. Mike was nearly craving it. Not in a sexual way or anything, but more of a caring way. He loves to see Will being happy. Will was such a strong person, he had been bullied harshly ever since he was young by both kids and his own father. His dad had left him at a young age as well, but Will didn't need that piece of shit. He was so much better without him anyway. Mike knew Will deserved all the happiness in the world, and if you asked his friends, they would say the same thing too.

So here Mike was, standing in front of the new and improved, Castle Byers that he had just fixed. And just on cue, he heard Wills car engine stop right in front of the Byers house. Mike was so exited to show Will what he had just finished. Without even thinking, he ran from behind the house right up to Will.

"Will!" Mike yelled.

Will had jumped when he heard his boyfriends
voice which caused Mike to step back a bit.

"Shit Mike! You scared me!"

"Oh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to frightened you."

The taller boy had walked to the smaller one and gently put his hands on his hips. He kneeled down and gave the shorter one a sweet small kiss and smiled.

"What the hell are you doing here anyway?"

"Come on, I have a surprise to show you."

"Already? I just got home and if I can be honest, I'm kinda tired."


"I don't know Mike, I've been on my feet practically all day."

"You were only at your grandma's house! You were probably on the couch eating cookies the whole time!"

"Well mr. know it all, that takes a lot of work to do."

"Will, pLeAsE" Mikes voice cracked which caused Will to smirk and end up laughing at him. Mike choose to ignore it and was nearly pulling Will to the back of the house. Not in any forceful way, it was more playful.

"Ugh fine, but only because you'll have a tantrum like a four year old if I don't."

Mike smiled brightly and grabbed Wills hand to lead him to the rebuilt Castle Byers.
"You won't regret it."

Mike brought Will to a small corner before showing his boyfriend his surprise.

"Okay, close your eyes Will."

"Mike I'm not doing that."

"Will come on, it's part of the surprise!

"Please tell me this isn't a prank and you're not going to do some random dumb shit.

"Will, come on, don't you trust me?" Mike gave him a genuine smile as if it was telling Will that this wasn't some random thing he was doing. It was important. To the both of them.

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