Chapter 13

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Mike threw his phone on his bed with rage. He was very frustrated. Max had absolutely no right to tell the party about his feelings. That was something personal. Something between her and him. But of course she had to go ruin that and practically tell his whole friend group. But he was just mainly worried about Will finding out. If Will didn't like him back he was completely screwed. He didn't wanna ruin their friendship over some stupid feelings he had. But he didn't wanna ignore these feelings. He liked the way he got butterflies in his stomach every time he saw Will or became stiff when Will accidentally brushed both of their soft hands together. He even liked when they would have sleepovers and Will would lay his head on Mikes shoulders and calmly fall asleep. Mikes feeling were very strong for Will. But he had to ignore them. For the sake of his and Wills friendship. So to calm his anger down, he decided that he would hang out with Will for a little bit. Mike walked over to his bed and picked up his phone from where it landed when he threw it. He opened it and went straight to IMessages to text Will to ask if he could come over.

 He opened it and went straight to IMessages to text Will to ask if he could come over

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Hey Willl?

Hi Mikeyy, what's up :))

Do you think I could come over?
It's kinda just been a long and hard day so I just wanna get my mind off of things and stuff

Oh yeah ofc come over!
Do you wanna talk about it when you come?

Nah, I kinda just wanna chill and relax if that's cool

Oh okay that's totally fine, see you soon <3

See you soon :)

Mike was very pleased with the answer Will gave him and went to go to his dresser to pick out some pajamas and clothes for tomorrow. He picked out some grey sweat pants and a big orange shirt. He then went over to his closet and brought out a green hoodie to wear later. And for tomorrow, he brought some jeans and a striped yellow polo shirt. He ran downstairs getting ready to head out to Wills.

"Bye mom I'm sleeping over at Wills"

"Bye honey, have fun!" Karen said while placing a small kiss on Mikes forehead.

Mike smiled a little and then got on his bike.
The cool air was brushing against his skin and was slowly moving his curly hair out of his face.
It felt very nice and it calmed him down a little. He was still upset that Max told the party. Like he said before, she had absolutely no right to say anything. And what made it even worse is that he had no one to rant to it about. He couldn't even tell his best friend the anger he was feeling. Because if he were to tell Will, then he would know Mikes true feelings for him. And there was a huge possibility that Will didn't feel the same and Mike could ruin their whole friendship. Mike certainly didn't want that. So here he is riding to Wills house pretending that he just had a long day and needed a break. I mean that sure wasn't a lie, Mike did have a long day and needed a calmer place to be. He just couldn't tell Will the reason why he had a long day. So of course he isn't going to say anything.

Authors Note:
Next chapter is a cute Byler one y'all,
You're welcome😜

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