Chapter 17

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About an hour later Will had woken up with a huge smile plastered on his face after seeing the position he was in. He was cuddled up in the crock of Mikes neck while Mike had a arm around him and the other on top of Wills head. The sun was shining a little bit through the blinds of the window onto Mikes face. God he looked so good in the sunlight. The sun had hit right on his cheek where you could see all of his freckles perfectly. You could even count them. Which of course Will did. 26 to be exact. Will had no idea how they got into this position, but he didn't mind at all. He was absolutely loving it. Will was wide awake and couldn't go back to sleep even if he tried, so he decided just to stay the way he was before Mike woke up. He was awake for a good 20 minutes just being where he was cuddling into the taller boy more. When Mike has just began to wake up.

"Morning sleepy head, were you tired?" Will had spoke.

"Was I tired?" Mike laughed. "More like were YOU tired?"


"I woke up like an hour ago, but I decided to go back to sleep"

Wait a second, he saw we were cuddling and didn't mind? I mean we have like kinda cuddled at sleepovers with the party but we usually wake up at the same time so we never speak of it. Did he maybe sorta like it? No that's ridiculous Will, he's obviously straight Will had thought.

"Well I still was actually up while you were to busy snoring"

"I do not snore! Don't even start" Mike had protested.

"Really? You were literally so loud I had to put earbuds in!" Of course Will was exaggerating, he only heard soft snores from Mike that couldn't even wake up a baby.

"Is that so? Is that why you were all cuddled up next to me?"

Wills face flushed a bright pink but he tried his best not to have Mike notice. He rolled his eyes at the statement although it made millions of butterflies swirl in his stomach.

"Shut up and go get ready"

Mike chuckled and did what he was told. After they had both gotten ready they had breakfast and hung out for a good hour until it was time for Mike to go home. Will had walked him outside to his bike and waited for him to leave.
"Hey I'll see you soon alright, be safe and don't do anything I wouldn't do"
"Don't worry, I'll make sure to get kidnapped by a monster somehow" (uh so who's gonna tell him👀)
"That's not funny"
Will laughed and proceeded to stare at his best friends brown eyes until Mike decided to break the silence.
"Well I'll see you soon"
"Okay bye, thanks for coming over!"
"Thanks for having me" Mike smiled, and with that he was riding his bike home.
Mike of course didn't want to leave but he was really exited to get home, not only did he just have an amazing sleepover, but he was going to figure out how in the hell he was going to ask his best friend out.

Authors Note:
I honestly don't really like this chapter but I wanted to update, so like you're so welcome🙄

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