Chapter 23

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I made it to Will's house and I was soaking wet. I'm freezing. It looks as if I just jumped into a pool with all my clothes on. I can barley feel my fingers. Which of course it just perfect. My plan is already failing, when Will opens that door the first thing he's gonna notice is me being freezing and he's just gonna want to jump in and help. He's so kind hearted so I know that's gonna be the first thing he notices. He's gonna ignore the flowers and chocolates and run to go get a towel. Wait, I should probably check the chocolates to make sure they're all fresh. I unzip my backpack and it reveals a smashed heart box. Fuck. How could I possibly ruin this!? My plan is already going down the drain. I just want to slap myself in the face right now. But there's nothing else I can do besides knock on the door and hopefully come back with a boyfriend.

I reach the top of the stairs and slightly knock on the door three times. Wait a second...did Max tell me to knock on his door or sneak through his window?.....OH SHIT- I was supposed to sneak through his window!
Shit, shit, shit, shi- I was to late. The door had swung open and I was faced with a beautiful Will Byers.

"Shit fuc- oh uh h- hi Will"


"Uh- That's me"

"What the hell are you doing here? It's pouring outside!"

"I know but I-"

"Omg you're freezing!" Come inside, I'm going to go get you a towel"

I couldn't argue so I just simply nodded and walked inside the house. I was freezing cold and I could see the water dripping from my shirt on to the hard wood floor. I felt terrible. I just felt like my whole plan was being ruined. I really did feel like I was gonna cry, but I wasn't going to, not in front of Will at least. 

It was incredibly warm inside of the Byers house hold. I felt warm already and somewhat safe? The byers family was always like a second family to me. Joyce was the mom who gave me the advice I needed when I wasn't able to ask my mom, Jonathan was like an older brother to me, he always suggested music to me and I would usually end up falling in love with  all of the songs, and Will...oh god.

He was the person I needed the most. Always making sure I was alright and listening to me ramble all the time. I could talk to him about anything and we would always have a blast hanging out. But man...fuck him. Fuck him for making me so helplessly in love with him. I guess he can't control it tho, just like I can't help my strong feelings for him.

Will ended up coming back with a big towel and a worried look on his face. I was standing near the door like the idiot I was just waiting. For what exactly? I don't even know. I'm trying to find out in the hell im going to ask him out. I mean- I've pretty much ruined everything and that's what gets me more upset. The fact that he has to take care of me and how I ruined his chocolates. At least the Daisies and the Reese's pieces are alright. He comes back and gently places the towel around me. He looks at me again with a confused face on why I'm here. I don't blame him tho, I would be confused too. He notices me shaking and just says

"Hey let's talk near the fireplace okay?"

I simply nod as he grabs my hand and leads to me to where the fireplace is. When I sit down I look straight at the fire and see the sparks flying. I can tell he's looking at me waiting for an explanation. But I don't even wanna make eye contact with him. I feel like a complete loser right now.

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