Chapter 11

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Mike: What is this?Wait why isn't Will in this gc?

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Mike: What is this?
Wait why isn't Will in this gc?

Eleven: all look how cuteee
Mikes first concern was Will🥰

Mike: huh?

Lucas: just spit it out Mike we know you like Will

Mike: I have literally no idea what you're talking about

Lucas: 💀

Dustin: come on mike, we all see you giving Will heart eyes all the time😻

Mike: ?

Max: okay whatever I'll just say it..
I already told them

Mike: WHYY?!
I tell you ONE thing and you tell the whole world
I should have known..
Fuck you

Max: literally calm down, I told the 3 people, not the whole world dumbass

Mike: you still have no right to tell them, i think u were forgetting that it was MY secret

Eleven: it's okay Mike, we want to help you

Mike: help with what?

Dustin: we wanna help you ask him to be your bf <3

Mike: that's funny
There's no way in hell im doing that
I don't even know if he likes me

Eleven: you'd be surprised ;)

Mike: what?

Eleven: nvm😜

Lucas: Mike, we're not gonna make fun of you or anything for liking Will, we just wanna help.
If anything we already kinda knew you liked him, it was pretty obvious🤠

Mike: no
I don't wanna ruin our friendship, he probably doesn't even like me and I don't wanna make him feel weird. I'll just pretend my feelings for him never existed. PLUS Max wasn't even supposed to tell anyone about that. She had absolutely NO right. So you know what Max.. fuck you

Max: no need to be so pressed, I'm just trying to help you get with the guy you like

Mike: no. don't go there. I have EVERY right to be upset with you. I told you a very important secret and asked you to not tell anyone. And look now, you told 3 people who I didn't want to know. Fuck you

Eleven: Mike we're just trying to help you and Will

Mike: No, fuck you max

Lucas: dude come on..

Dustin: ^

Mike: No if I need help I WILL ASK.. i don't need your guys help with anything. You wanna know why? Because I won't tell him. And if you guys do, I will literally come to your guys house and murder all of you..

Authors Note:
Woah come down jamal, don't pull out the nine🧑🏼‍🦲

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