Chapter 1

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"Primrose Everdeen." Effie Trinket, the frivolous Capitol escort squeaks. I know it is not me, not me, not me... I relax, but only for a moment when the reality sinks in and a flood of anxiety hits me, hard. Primrose Everdeen?! It can't be!

"Prim! Prim!" I yell, watching tiny Prim walk onto the stage her two blond braids swinging unhappily. Prim wouldn't survive a minute in the Hunger Games. She would probably die of fear before the Games began! Even from far away, I see Prim's weak body quiver and I lose consciousness of the world. I'm falling...

"Okay!" Effie says brightly, her neon green wig wobbling and her freakish dark blue lips stretching into a huge, plastic smile. "Let's choose the boys, shall we?" She waits for an answer, but no one speaks. Flustered, she hops over to the glass full of boy names. "And our male tribute this year is-"

I snap into reality. I realize a pair of strong arms has caught me when I fell and I quickly turn to see who it is. It's the infamous (in my mind) Peeta Mellark. I try to ignore his encouraging, sad smile. I run to the stage screaming my head off before Effie can choose the male tribute. "I volunteer as tribute! I volunteer!" I leap onto the stage like a superhero.

Well I am. For Prim, and Prim only.

"No, no, Katniss." Prim says, trying to reprimand me but on the verge of tears.

"I volunteer as tribute!" I scream again. I clasp Prim's small shoulder and push her firmly to our mother.

"Katniss! Please, Katniss!" Prim shrieks hysterically. Two Peacekeepers must lift her up and hold her back. Effie, with her purple and orange striped dress is very confused. I would laugh if only I wasn't on this stage now. Effie grabs me and grins.

"Well! Our very first volunteer! How fa-abulous! Your name?" The escort speaks excitedly with every sentence, like a little talking doll.

"Katniss, Katniss Everdeen." I say timidly.
"Oh! Katniss! Wonderful! Boys now!" I try hard to keep a straight face because the reaping is aired live on T.V. I am trying so hard I don't hear who the male tribute is. Hopefully someone I don't know.


There are many reasons to hate the Capitol. I could think of millions on the spot. They hoard everything, leading lives of luxury while us districts are slowly dying of starvation. They host the Hunger Games every year, and actually enjoy watching innocent children die. I mean seriously? The districts rebelled 74 years ago! Can't they let it go? I always hated the Capitol, ever since I was old enough to understand how terrible it is. But now, as the male tribute stands beside me, I loathe them, a red hot anger boiling inside me. Not only will I be forced to fight to the death in a hellish arena, I will be fighting to the death with my district partner. And my district partner is my best friend, Gale Hawthorne.

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