Chapter 43

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Katniss POV
"Katniss!! Get up! It's going to be a big, big day!" A voice screeched peppily.
"Go away Effie!" I shout back, dragging myself out of this stupid room. We were finally going to go back to District 12! I was excited, but my talk with Snow last night made me feel jumpy and deceitful. Well I did lie, so I am deceitful.

Effie click-clacks away, and I change into a black shirt and gray pants, along with a gray sweater and brown shoes. Plain and simple, like how I used to dress back in 12. I brushed my teeth, not bothering to wash my face, knowing fully well that I would get shrieks and complaints from Effie. I heard Effie scream at Gale, then Haymitch. I didn't want to be the last person in the dining area so I hurried it up.

We were boarding the train that would finally ship us back home. I would see Prim and my mother and everyone (although who was there to see? Maybe Madge.) whom I haven't seen in a month! I was excited, but I desperately wished Levia could come. I was planning on talking about it to Snow or someone, but I was scared. Surely Levia could keep working if I kept my sister, right? It was selfish, but I couldn't bear to think of a life without Prim.

The trip would only take half a day, since Effie insisted on using the speediest, most hi-tech train. Of course, cameras and petty Capitol reporters would be following us, so Effie called in Cinna who, much to my dismay, painted makeup on my face and dressed me in more "appropriate" clothing.

I beg Cinna to come with us to 12. I might go mad if he didn't come, for he has been my rock through these terrible days. He shakes his head no.

"Please, please, please, please," I repeat, tugging his hand like a small child.

"Katniss, I have to stay here and design all your clothes!" After a full ten minutes of nonstop begging, he caves in. "Oh, alright girl on fire." I smile widely, dragging him to the train's entrance. It's actually proving to be quite difficult to drag a full grown man when you are wearing a long, flowy dress. It may be flowy but it doesn't stop itself from clinging to my legs with sweat. Oops.

"Katniss!!" Effie cries, taking my hand and leading me inside the train. Gale is nowhere to be seen. He might be mad at me, but at this point I don't really care. "Katniss!!! We're on a tight schedule! Now hurry up and get into the train or else we're leaving you here. And now that Cinna is coming..." The silly escort mumbled something incoherent and meandered away. The train was similar to the one we took on the way to the Capitol, only it was much, much nicer. If that was possible. I assumed Gale was in his room, so I took the liberty of exploring. The train was long and luxurious. Each person on this train could have their own car, and each car was separated by a thick, plush velvet covered door, held together with golden ropes. And once again, to my delight, tables of food and drink, delicately placed onto fancy silver platters, garnished with edible pearls and greens. I wanted to eat everything, and also take it all home to give to Prim. Dear Prim. I would see her so very soon, I could hardly contain myself. I hadn't seen Haymitch in forever, it seemed like, so I decided to go find him.

Of course, I found him strewn across a long loveseat, a drink in his hand. "Halloo girl on fire," he slurred, laughing for some odd reason.

"Hello, Haymitch. We're going back to District 12 right now." I say gently, taking the glass from his shaky hands.

"Home, home, home..." Haymitch mumbles, smiling. I find a pillow on the other side of the seat, and prop his head against the soft burgundy fabric. "Give me my drink?"

"One minute Haymitch. I'm going to get you a new one." He grins at me messily, but approvingly. I find one of his alcohol glasses and fill it with water. "Here Haymitch. It's a new drink I discovered. From the Capitol. Very good, strong stuff." Haymitch grabs at it and drinks it all in one gulp. I never realized how bad his addiction was, until now. I fill the flask with more water. "Haymitch, if you want more, you just fill it up here." I show him the sink. Thankfully he is too drunk to know that it's just a regular water tap. I double check for any other any things he might need, then I leave. Before I can walk out of the room, though, he says, "Katniss, go talk to your boy, looks like he needs it."

No. I will not talk to Gale. He hasn't even apologized yet! Besides, Haymitch doesn't know what he's talking about, I mean, that was coming from a man who was drunk more than half the time.

Time passes by slowly, too slowly. I conversed with Cinna for a bit, and then ran into Effie, who babbled on and on. I haven't seen Gale, and Haymitch, I'm pretty sure, is sleeping on the loveseat. I meander around, humming to myself. It's okay, until I remember why I am meandering around like this. I was in the Hunger Games. I met Clove and Cato. Gale fell in love with me. I killed many innocent kids. Cato died. I promised to protect Clove. Clove died. I promised to protect Rue. Rue died. I killed more people. I killed Axel, and Glimmer, and everyone. I also pretty much killed Levia. Everyone loves me and admires me. For killing people. I want to go home. I want to go home. I want to go home. And soon enough, it becomes a chant. And I find myself in a tear stained heap on the soft carpet of the train.

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