Chapter 41

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Hello everyone! I'm at my sister's soccer game hahaha and I thought to bring my keyboard to it oops. I also had to pry myself away from this really really amazing 5SOS Cake fanfic because cake is really cute and yeah okay hope you enjoy! And since I'm a butt I'm gonna do another Katniss POV. (: ~sugarsweetswiftie aka Jamie;)

Katniss POV
"Katniss?" A voice asks. A part of me wants to believe it's Levia or Prim or even my mother. But 1) this was a man's voice, 2) all three, Levia, my mother, and Prim aren't here, and 3) none of them sure as hell had those snakey, icy eyes. Even in the dark, I could make out a pair of eyes, round and cold, and a familiar snakiness to it. Snow.

"Katniss?" He repeats. For some reason, my feet walk aimlessly toward him. Then I stop abruptly and spin around, stomping away. I didn't want to go back to bed and face those horrid nightmares, but I didn't want to face President Snow, either.

"Miss Everdeen! Come here." Maybe it was his authority, or his tone of voice, but I felt compelled to go back to him.

"What do you want," I say tiredly, not even bothering to sound angry. I was just so tired of the games, and the drama, and the sleepless nights. Just one more day in the Capitol and we'd be leaving for District 12.

"Miss Everdeen, let's talk." I sit in front of him, my legs crossed. [A/N so this scene takes place on the windowsill where Katniss and Peeta talked in the first movie] "Katniss, I know you already know, but the districts are a, uh, bit restless, so since we are good friends," I rolled my eyes at that, "and since I have lots of power, I want to ask you a favor."

"What does having lots of power haave anything to do with this?"

"My dear, I am merely reminding you, that if you don't help me and obey me, I can make everything disposable. Everything is just at my fingertips." He smiled. I remember when I stabbed him in the lips with my mockingjay pin. Were his lips really that puffy or did he get surgery? Ugh, Capitol people.

"Well, what do you want? And why are you here?"

Snow laughed. "I own this building. I can come up here whenever I want to. and to answer your other question, I want you to be convincing." [A/N yeah so cliche whoops I basically stole this scene from catching fire oopsy] He smiled again. "Convince the districts that your rebellious acts were acts of fondness for Clove, and that you never wanted to leave Gale, ever. And you love Gale with all your heart and could never think about anything else. If you don't do your best with this, and I'm sure I don't need to give you further instruction, your life will surely be turned upside down." As if my life weren't already turned upside down. Maybe whatever Snow had in mind would turn my life right side up. Ha.

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