Chapter 50

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Prim's POV
I wake to the house shaking. Earthquake! In the heat of the moment, I realize Katniss is gone!! "Katniss!! Mom!" I scream, as I topple off the bed. I had no idea where my sister was, but I had this urge to go into the woods, even if it was dangerous and illegal. I hastily untangle myself from the blankets and dash outside, not bothering to put on shoes. The earth quakes for thirty seconds, then halts, then quakes again.

Slipping under the fence that guards us from the outside world, I run and run until I reach a clearing in the middle of the woods. The ground shakes again and I hear a crack. Scared to death by this noise, I pound against dirt floor until I hear heavy breathing and cries. Finally the ground is still and I peer around the corner to find two dogs watching Peeta hold Katniss in a tight embrace as she sobs into his shoulders. I smile to myself, and run back home.


"Prim! Katniss! What were you thinking?!" My mother yells as tears threaten to spill out of her eyes. She couldn't lose us both in an earthquake, even if it was minor. I look down at my feet and Katniss shrugs. "Oh my gosh girls, you scared me half to death, don't ever do that again." We all wrap our arms around each other, much like we did when Katniss came home, and cried. We are quite the emotional family, apparently.

My mother sends us back to bed, after Katniss introduces us to Peter and Lucky, her two dogs. I have a suspicion she named Peter after Peeta. It's nearly four in the morning, and there are still little after shocks that make our home tremble. I've never experienced an earthquake before, so I'm pretty scared but more fascinated.

When I ran back home, my mom was just about to run out the door in a frenzy. The first major quake was about thirty seconds, then the second was maybe forty, but smaller. Katniss came back home a minute later, when the ground was still, and Peeta probably went back home. I'm mostly thankful that no one got hurt, Katniss is okay and Katniss and Peeta are getting along. It's very cute and sweet, unless the reality show ruins it all, which it most likely will.

"Prim, are you okay?" Katniss asks, tucking me into the warm blankets. I nod, close my eyes, and hope to dream about something pleasant.


Several days later, the reality show crew comes, fresh from the Capitol. Effie is definitely excited, as she has been deprived of her usual Capitol festivities, food, and clothing. Katniss has been grumpy as ever, and Gale is acting like a child about the whole affair. Rory and Vick are still angry at me for putting cake in their beds, and Mother is frantic to make everything just right for the show. To top it all off, I started going back to school. Although it's summer time, we children are expected to attend school year round, with a few vacations here and there. It's absolutely dreadful, because my fellow students are being even more cruel to me because our family is now a lot more wealthy. I wore a new dress yesterday and was constantly tormented by my classmates. This time, Rory didn't stand up for me.

It's early morning, and I prepare for school. Despite my protests, Mother forced me to go to school and wear this new blue outfit that's quite pretty but will bring lots of negative feedback. I plait my hair and go downstairs.

"Good morning, Primrose!" A short Capitol woman by the name of Lessa chirps. Lessa has the longest hair I've ever seen, naturally red with blinking lights tangled in her hair. She also has pale purple skin that makes her look like she dipped herself in blue paint and did a poor job of washing herself.

"Hello, Lessa," I smile. Capitol people aren't that bad, I guess. It's just the way they were brought up that causes them to think the Hunger Games are okay and everything. Society is an awful place. Lessa, a man named Funia and his wife Lunia are the main people for the show and of course there are other cameramen and things. My mother invites them every morning for breakfast. They are staying in the unoccupied Victor homes. Lessa is the director, Lunia is the producer, and Funia is in charge of all the makeup and hair and such. Cinna is also a big help, since Katniss won't let anyone touch her unless it's Cinna.

The past few days have been difficult for me, but worse for Katniss and Gale. They were and are being constantly pinched and prodded, and told to say things like "I love you so much, you are my sunshine and if you left my world would become dark again." It's cheesy and awful, but at least I get to be in it! Peeta and I were walking to school one day (Katniss doesn't have to go to school anymore, lucky for her) and Lunia saw him and instantly thought he would be a great addition to the show. To add drama, she said.

I seat myself next to Lessa and eat my food, hug Katniss and my mother and go off to school. "Hey Prim!" A familiar voice shouts. I turn to find Peeta running up to me, his bookbag banging against his hip.

"Hello, Peeta." We walk to the schoolyard together, discussing the new show. I know Peeta isn't very happy about it, but he smiles and laughs. When we turn into the school yard, Peeta runs off to his first class.

"Hey, Prim. Nice dress. Capitol made, huh?" A girl snorts. I ignore her and keep walking. "You're obviously way too good for us, huh? Is that why you're ignoring me?" The girl and her friends laugh at me, and a boy rips the blue ribbon from my braids. Soon enough, my braids are undone, my white boots are covered in muddy footprints and my dress is torn and dirty. What a way to start off the morning. [poor's like cinderella lol]

I slink into my seat, ashamed of the pitied looks my teacher gives me. The day goes by excruciatingly slowly, and I feel like absolute trash. Why do my classmates have to be so mean? Why does everything have to be so hard? I already lost my father, I almost lost my sister, and this?

It's lunchtime soon enough and I barely survived the first few hours. I keep my head down as I shuffle to where Peeta usually sits, and thankfully, he pats the empty seat next to him. His friends ignore me, and frankly, it's nice for a change. Peeta smiles at me and eats the stale sandwich he holds, as I stare at my own lunch. I may live in District 12 and be fifty pounds lighter than most children, but I think I've lost my appetite.

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