Chapter 18

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Hey! Let us pretend Clove's eyes are blue in this picture okay? Okay. Also, make sure to go to to vote Mockingjay as the best movie this year for Kid's Choice Awards. And Jennifer Lawrence for best female action star. And Liam Hemsworth for best male action star even though I ship Everlark. I am acutally going this year! Yay!;) Enjoy:)
"No, Clove. Clove!" I wail. The hovercraft looms over us, waiting for Gale and I to move. I am distressed, losing both Cato and Clove in a few hours. It has only been a few days, and Hunger Games usually last two weeks. There are six tributes left. One can come out. Before the games, I wanted to come out, to be crowned victor and to come home to a weeping Prim and overjoyed mother. But now, as I hold onto Clove's cold hands, is it really all that great to win? To have these nightmares haunt you relentlessly? To be the Capitol's little victor forever? Somewhere I think that maybe it's best if we were all dead, so some new decent species can take over.

"Please step away from the body." A voice booms. Gale quickly gets up from his knees and backs away. I am still bawling over Clove and Cato's death. I just can't take it. I get up, and Gale tells me to come to him. Mindlessly, I walk to his open arms, then as the hovercraft lowers the claw that will pick Clove's body up, I fly out of Gale's arms and fling myslef onto Clove. The claw continues descend. I position myself over Clove so I am facing the claw and Clove can barely be seen. I don't actually know what is happening when the claw encloses around me and Clove, liftinng us into the air. I see Gale five feet below, ten feet, fifteen feet, squinting at us. This is when I start to panic.

"Help! Help!" I shriek to Gale, who is jumping up and trying to hold onto the claw. We are too far for him to reach us. Hm. I wonder what the audience is thinking of this. My refusal to play by the rules. Is it possible that Prim and Mother could be hurt by my actions? I just sit lifelessly ontop of Clove, watching the ground below get smaller and smaller.


"Katniss!" I scream to the screen. I watch helplessly as Katniss and Clove are being tossed around like rag dolls in that tree. The beast is hideous and scary, and I hide in my mother's arms when the camera gets a close angle of it's face. Peet and his family are with us in the Town Square, and so are the Hawthorne's. Peeta looks so angry at the beast it could be comical. Kinda. The two girls are screaming their heads off when I see two figures emerge from the bushes. Cato and Gale. The beast drops the tree on the ground and Katniss and Clove escape, running away.

Peeta reaches out to the screen as if to touch Katniss and wish her luck or something as the two girls run away. Now the beast is battling Gale and Cato. I can tell right off that weapons aren't going to be much help defeating this monster. Cato hurls spears at the beast, but he only has three. Gale is slicing the beast's feet, but the cuts look like little lines that don't bother it in any way.

"GAle!!"Cato shouts. The beast turns to Cato suspiciously. "The apples!" Cato yells to Gale. GAle slings his backpack around and takes out a shiny red fruit. Maybe the Hunger Games made the tributes mad, because how is an apple going to help them? Gale expertly tosses the apple to Cato, who catches it with ease. The beast clomps over to Cato and plucks him off the ground. "Gale! Run!!" Gale takes off, leaving Cato to defend the beast by himself. But Gale waits behind a tree for Cato.

ROOOAAAARRRRR! The monster bellows. Cato is turning purple from the lack of oxygen when he throws the apple as hard as he can into the beast's horrid face. Instantly, the blue creature erupts into flames of red and orange. Cato is dropped forty feet down onto the ground where Gale comes running. The fire is slowly creeping down the creature's torso, then arms and thighs.

"Gale," Cato whispers hoarsely. He must have many broken bones and the angle he fell was a terrible one. His body is twisted up like he is a piece of elastic with bones sticking out at some places. It is quite gruesome and disgusting, but I keep watching. "Gale, please, tell Clove I love her and I am sorry. Tell her she is my dying wish, that she will die peacefully. And tell Katniss she was the best friend I ever had. And thank you for everything. " As surprising as it is, Gale cups Cato's head in his hands and tells him to stay alive. From helping my mother healing people in 12, I know ther is no way that Cato could be saved.

Cato closes his blue eyes and the cannon fires, all too loudly. Gale leaves Cato quickly, because the monster is barely surviving and is ablaze with anger. I hear shrieks and Gale runs off to Katniss and Clove.

They are safe. I immediately think. Clove, Katniss and Gale are badly bruised and broken but they are safe. Gale breaks the news to Clove, but he leaves the part out about Katniss being Cato's best friend. About an hour later, GAle and Katniss find Clove at a crystal clear blue stream. There is a small bush that bears luscious, dark berries. Mm. Clove shows Katniss the berries then pops a few in her mouth.

Little Posy gasps when Clove falls back into the stream. Katniss is faced away from the camera but I know she is shocked and sad. Clove reminded her of me somehow. I still don't know how but whatever. Katniss leans over Clove, begging her to wake up. the berries. Nightlock. I shudder, remembering the time when my father once brought them home to show us. I had scooped up a handful of them and tried to eat them, when both Katniss and Father slapped my hand away and shouted at me. I was maybe only five at the time, and even tiner than I am right now. Berry juice was dribbling down my face and I got terribly sick. Thank goodness my mother had the right concoctions to save me.

There is a few more minutes of crying over Clove when Katniss finally retires to Gale's arms. Peeta just looks sad.

"Prim, I wish I was Gale right now. So I could protect her." Peeta whispers to me. Hazelle wipes a tear and Posy cries out.

"I like Clove cause she is pretty and nice. she died?" I nod to her. "Oh."

Gale and Katniss are hugging eachother, and then much to everyone's surprise, especially Gale's, Katniss leaps out of his arms and throws herself over Clove just as the hovercraft's claw comes down. The claw shakes a teensy bit then scoops up both Clove and Katniss.

"Katniss!" Peeta cries out. I shake my head and bury it in my mother's chest. Katniss and Clove ascend higher into the air, closer to the awaiting hovercraft. Katniss is so brave. But what will the Capitol do to her? I am not as innocent as she thinks obviously, and I know that surely she will be punished for her spontaneous actions. She seems so calm until she calls for help hysterically. The claw ascends inch by inch, and with each inch my fear grows. Peeta blindly grasps my hand in fear.

The large silver hovercraft's bottom slides open, revealing a dark room filled with scurrying people that are preparing to make room for Clove's body. I stare as a burly, hostile looking man grips the claw and glares at Katniss.

"Katniss Everdeen, get off. You're coming with me." He says gruffly. Then he effortlessly flings Clove over his shoulder and throws her onto a nearby table. The last thing I see before the program goes to commercial is Katniss being tied down by thick metal ropes and a small, oh-so familiar man with snow white hair walking up to her.

Hey guys! I know what you are probably thinking. This story is called The Boy with the Bread but Peeta is barely in it and has no interaction with Katniss. Just be patient, guys. LOL. The time will come, the time will come...(: Anyway AHHH OMG I wanna buy Mockingjay so badly. I forced my dad to watch the trailer on Amazon Prime on our TV and I made him replay it over and over and over againg because the movie was just OMGGGG. Okay thanks for reading and byeee. I wanna make sure I update more before I buy the movie because then I might die from shock and sadness and love and all the feels and then RIP ME.

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