Chapter 11

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Today in science I made a little flip book of tiny Katniss Everdeen's LOL! Hope you like! ;) By the way, this is NOT a Catoniss fanfic, Cato is just a friend.

Katniss's POV
Us tributes get one week to train. It is the second day of training, and last night Gale confessed to me he didn't trust Cato one bit. He told me that if we ally with Cato we would only get a knife in the back. I was frustrated with him so I took the matter to Haymitch. When Haymitch said it would be good for us to have allies, I pointed to Gale and called him out. Now, Gale has to pretend to like Cato for me. I personally think Cato would be a great ally, him being a Career and not stuck up in any way. And if it comes down to it I could just kill him in his sleep.... I am turning into a vicious, heartless tribute thanks to the Capitol. Ugh.

"Hey Catnip!" Cato shouts to me eagerly. Gale rolls his eyes. Gale accidentally called me Catnip yesterday and I had to explain the story to Cato. When Gale and I first met, I told him my name was Katniss, but I was so nervous I mumbled it quietly. Gale thought I had said Catnip, and the name stuck.

"Hi Cato!" I yell back. Cato is with his district partner, the girl with jet black hair. The girl is petite, but has that evil glint in her eye that is hard to forget.

"This is Clove, my sister." Cato introduces. I shake her hand and smile, and she smiles in return although it seems rather forced. "Clove is only thirteen, but I swear, she's lethal!" Cato jokes.

"Hi Clove. I'm Katniss. I have a sister who is twelve." Clove nods.

"Oh yes. I saw you volunteer for her at the reaping. THat was very brave of you." The girl says. Her smile may have not been genuine, but this comment is sincere. "And you are Gale. I saw a little girl cling to you when you were called up." Wow. Clove is very observant! I didn't even notice that!

"Oh. That must have been Posy, my sister. She is only four years old." Gale says.

"Ahem." Cato clears his throat. "Wanna show them what you can do, Clove?" Clove struts over to the cylinder that held the array of knives, chooses a slim one with a sharp edge. She picks it up, then tosses it around in her hand a few times. Then she chooses several more. With a handful of knives, she walks to the dummies and throws them. Each knife skewers the dummy in the heart. Satisfied, Clove comes back.

"Wow! That was impressive!" Cato says ruffling his sister's hair. Cato and Clove look nothing alike. Cato has blond hair and Clove has black, Clove is tiny and Cato is huge. The only similarity is the icy blue eyes that have both evil and good flecks in them.

For the next few hours until lunch, Cato, Clove, Gale and I all talk about our family and district and things. I thought at first Clove was cruel but in reality she is just a sweet little girl who happens to be extremely talented at knife throwing. It is surprising howmuch everyone is reminding me of Prim. Rue Avila, who is eating by herself, reminds me of Prim. Clove reminds me of Prim. And there is another girl, very tiny, with two long braids down her back that reminds me of Prim too. Maybe it is because I miss her so much, or maybe because they actually are so like Prim.

Prims POV

My mother and I cook and clean around the house. I think about how I hurt Peeta's feelings. NO wonder he always stared at Katniss! I thought he was a creep! But he loves her. I wonder if he loves her for real. He did tell me he would volunteer for Katniss, if it was possible. His kind, patient personality is the opposite of Katniss. And Katniss, if she came home, would never talk about her feelings. Especially about boys! I want Peeta and Katniss to be together but obviously that isn't going to happen.

It is late afternoon, and I decide to make a few rounds for the project. The Mellark's have already donated a lot, but gifts in the arena are pricy. I know Katniss sometimes stayed with Madge, the mayor's daughter. I mean to go to the mayor's home, but I see Madge, sitting alone on a bench, her head in her hands.

"Hello Madge." I say, feeling awkward because Madge's brown hair is tangly and wet, and tears stain her face. "Are you alright?"

"Oh, hello Primrose. Yes I am fine. Is there anything you want?"

"Well, you are friends with Katniss right?" I ask, unsurely. Katniss's only real friend was Gale, but Madge and her were often paired together for projects and aactivites, and they sat togtether at lunch I believe. Madge nods solemnly in answer. "Well, I was wondering if you could uh..." It is very strange to ask people for money, especially if you are very poor. Already some people have given me strange looks and slammed the door in my face. "I was asking if you, maybe, could donate some money to help Katniss in the arena?" I blurt out the rest. Madge looks up surprisedly.

"Okay! To buy her gifts, right? Yeah, of course. Katniss will do very well I am sure. She was the closest thing I have ever had to a friend. I invited her to my home a few times. She always declined, but she was always kind to me." Madge rambles. She slips out a few green bills from the little purse she carries and hands them to me. I thank her profusely.
"Oh no problem. If you ever need more, you know where to find me."
"Madge, why were you crying?" I ask.
"If you really want to know... My mother is slowly dying. She always is bedridden and sick. She has never been a very stable person if you know what I mean. Her twin was reaped into the Games and died horifically. My mother really thought she would come back, because my aunt was in the last few tributes." Madge spills.

"Aww. I am so sorry to hear that. If it is any consolation, you can bring your mother to mine. She can heal just about anyone.''

"Oh no. I couldn't. It would pain my mother too much, as well as yours. You see, your mother and mine were best friends. The three of them were inseparable, triplets, really. Primrose, you should be going now. Good bye." Madge waves and leaves.

Hey! SO there is two sets of siblings in this chapter LOL! Sorry this was kind of a filler chapter. It will get better soon haha. Anyway, good night hope you enjoyed! Love you if you're reading this. ;)

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