Chapter 19

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Hey! Sorry for not updating in a while. I have been really busy. And I skipped going to my school's faculty vs. students basketball game just so I could write this! I wasn't gonna go anyway LOL. Cause I have no life. JK. Okay anyway,yikes the Hunger Games is coming to an end! Let's hope for the best! Enjoy!!:)

Katniss POV

I find myself staring right into the snake-like eyes of President Snow. Not that I actually would like to call him President, because to me he is nothing but a lowly figurehead. Although he does have alot of power and over uses it. I am strapped down to a table, unable to move.

"Why, fancy meeting you here, girl on fire." Snow sneers. I recall the attacking triibutes saying this to me a few days earlier.

"Fancy meeting you too. " I sigh nonchalantly. I pick my fingernail to show I don't care, when in reality I am half scared to death.

"It is a pleasure to see you, Miss Everdeen. I admire you so very much. You are so brave, so strong, so..." He pauses. "So full of fire." He smiles at me, somewhat maliciously. He slips a key out of his pocket and twists it into a keyhole which I cannot see. Instantly, I fall off the table.

"You're not going to hurt my family, right?!" I blurt out, scrambling to my feet. The small man gives me a small nod and smile.

"Dear Katniss, I don't think you understand. I like, oh, what is your dear sister's name? Oh yes, Primrose. Prim. Lovely little Prim with her blue eyes and blond hair, all tucked into pretty little braids.." I frown, thinking about all the ways Prim could be tortured this very minute. "Prim, is essential to your life, as well as mine. I need her, maybe more than you need her, you simple minded girl." Snow taps my head. "Now, girl on fire, it seemss tome that your flames are spreading. It seems to me that you are a... rebellious one." I shake my head no.

"Oh, but dear Katniss," he grins. I hate it when people call me "dear". "Looks like you have created the spark of hope that may or may not destroy the Capitol, districts, the whole of Panem!" His calm voice has risen to a shout. "Do you think we need an uprising on our hands?!" He lashes out at me, his hand slapping my face, adding another bruise to it. I feel a surge of rage. "You are the Mockingjay!" Snow bellows in my ear. Mockingjay. Mockingjay. Mockingjay! As quickly as I can, I unzip my jacket and unclasp the gold pin from my shirt. The pin isn't meant to be a weapon, but it is an excellent object to use when your victim is unprepared.

President Snow's snake like eyes widen as I attempt to smash the pin, needle forward, into his face. I succeed in slicing his puffy lips. As blood oozes down his throat, he just flashes me a grin, his voice calm once again. "Katniss, your refusal to play by my rules is quite disobedient. Yet it is a sign of hope for the districts, that they might one day be free from my clutches. Although being in my clutches are a privilege." I roll my eyes, watching the man's crisp white suit becoming damp with the dripping red liquid. "Riding the claw up with Clove is very defiant, so brave and courageous of you. I admire you so much, because you gave hope to the districts even though you knew your loved ones could be seriously, seriously hurt." I am puzzled for a moment. How could my loved ones be hurt? Gale is the only person I love in this arena. My mother, Prim, Levia are all safe in 12 and the Capitol. Snow cannot put ALL of us in the arena. Relief floods overme. I would rather die than Prim of course.

Snow grins at me. "Because you have been defiant in my rules, you will be rewarded with something amazing. And let me just say, I have a little surprise for you. Besides, we never want these Games to get boring for the audience at home. Good luck girl on fire, and may the odds be ever in your favor." And with that last, catchy line, he spins away. "Oh, and have a good night's sleep, my dear."

It is strange, really, that I am not feeling scared. He cannot hurt Prim, my mother or Levia. He can hurt me and Gale, but that is not as bad as the former three. Apparently I am going to sleep in this hovercraft for tonight, so I curl up on the cold metal table I was previously strapped on to. I lay on the table, staring at the low, white ceiling. Then, a thought hits me sharply. Levia isn't safe. My mother isn't safe. Prim isn't safe. Snow can put them in the arena. He can hurt them. And there is nothing, absolutely nothing I can do about it.

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