Bokuaka ~ i wish you happiness

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Angst 💧
Light smut 🍋
If you don't like just don't read.

Akaashi liked bokuto for really a long time.
How could he not?
Bokuto was kind, friendly, smiley, handsome, athletic... and a lot cute.

Akaashi was scared.
They had a great friendship.
He didn't want to ruin that.
He wanted to stay at Bokuto's side as much as he could.
No matter what.

But that meant... that he had to listen to his love stories
Falling in love with some girl, hearing him talk about her non-stop, being rejected and console him.
Or congratulate with him when he gets in a relationship, and then console him when this relationship ends.

Every time this thing repeated... his heart broke a little more.

It was just... so hard.

Bokuto's last year ended.
Bokuto and Kuroo entered in the same university and they were so excited about this.

Akaashi and Kenma were accompanying them at the train station.

They were talking.

"Oh, hey Kitten, I want to take some food before getting on the train. Come with me!!" Said Kuroo, giving his boyfriend the 'let's give them some space' sight.

"Yeah sure, but don't buy too many things. AND you two better study seriously!" Said Kenma, trying to keep up the acting.

"Sure thing Kenma!!" Bokuto gave a big smile to the pudding head.

Once they got away...

"Akaasheee! Now you will be a third year! And the captain!! I'm so proud of you!! I know you will get so many girlfriends and I'll do my best too!!" Bokuto said to his underclassman.

Akaashi just thanked him and bowed, but he didn't got up yet.

"Akaashi? Are you okay?" Bokuto seemed a little worried.

Akaashi got up but hid his face in his hands, he was crying.

"B-Bokuto-San..." said through his hands.

"What is it? Are you touched? Awww! Don't worry we will surely see each other a lot of times!" Bokuto patted his friend's head and put a hand on his shoulder.

"No... Bokuto-San... I like you..." Akaashi finally said it. He was a little relieved, but terrified at the same time.

Bokuto was startled "w-what..."

"I liked you... since I saw you playing volleyball for the first time... I just... " he kept crying still hiding his face with the hands.

Bokuto let go of Akaashi "I... I'm sorry... I-" bokuto got interrupted.

Akaashi, still hiding his face," it's ok, it's not like I expected you to return my feelings... I hope you have fun... goodbye Bokuto-San..."

"Akaashi wait-"

Akaashi ran away, out of the station.
He couldn't keep listening to his voice, he already did a terrible choice.

Bokuto was petrified, Kuroo and Kenma returned, they saw the scene from aside.

The two older got on the train as Kenma greeted them and got out of the station.

Bokuto was holding his head with the hands, leaning on the table, with Kuroo in front of him.

"He thought I was apologizing for not liking him back... I just thought... I kept talking about other girls and my relationships while he was... i broke his heart so many times... I'm such an asshole..."

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