BokuAka ~ i have no right

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Bokuto is in the Black Jackals and Akaashi is a Mangaka. (Is your choice to imagine him with or without glasses.)

Bokuto and Akaashi were totally best friends in high school, then Bokuto graduated and they did't see each other for some time, until, one day, they met again and found out that they were both looking for a roommate.
So they decided to live together.

Bokuto was enthusiastic.
He really wanted to be friends again with Akaashi, and him too.

Things went great for some moths, then...

Akaashi POV

Bokuto and I had sex.
It wasn't because of a long hidden love.
It just happened, out of nowhere... a couple of times.
I really don't know... why... sometimes, after it happened, he gets clingy, it seems like he actually feels something for me.
And I probably think that because I feel something for him.
But I can't do this, he is a famous player, he'll eventually find a woman and have a family, and it's right like this, this is what he wants and what he deserves, i have no right to stop him from it.

Narrator POV

Bokuto was at the Black Jackal's training, and there was a television crew for an interview at the members.
They were having fun and everything was going well.
The reporter assigned to interview Bokuto was a young lady, she was new to the sport theme and she was pretty distracted by the players.
She did her job but did't avoid flirting with the black and white owl, even adjusting his lipstick from time to time.

She even insisted about sharing the Taxi saying that the direction was the same (lie).
When Bokuto had to get off the Taxi, she insisted about greeting him.

"Uhm... Bokuto-San, you have something on your eyebrow."

He made a confused expression. "Uh? Where, here?" He asked, rubbing the eyebrow.
She giggled "no, wait let me do it."
She got close and kissed him.
Bokuto didn't expect it.
"Well..." she started again "... since we're here, how about inviting me in?" She said seductively.

Bokuto properly refused but she was obviously not going to give up. She entered the Taxi and went away.
The owl sighed and entered the apartment.
"Akaashiii! I'm back!"
He got off the shoes and the coat and cheerfully got in the kitchen, where the smaller guy was cooking the dinner.
"Welcome back Bokuto-San."
Akaashi turned around and his eyes widened.
"Mh? What is it?"
The raven haired shook his head and turned again to the stove.
"No it's nothing, go wash up, dinner'll be ready in a minute."

Bokuto smiled and went in the bathroom.
Akaashi waited for him to close the door and his expression fell.
I need some air.

Once Bokuto entered the bathroom he started undressing, but as he was getting off the shirt he peeked at the mirror and froze.
He had a really visible lipstick stain on his own lips.
He realized what a figure he made with Akaashi and immediately rushed out of the bathroom wiping his lips.
But he wasn't in the kitchen, there was only a plate of freshly cooked food just for him.
He searched all over the house but didn't find him.
Then he looked at the entrance door and noticed that his shoes weren't there.
Without thinking, he got on the shoes and the coat, then noticed Akaashi's coat still there.
He went out without his coat?!
Bokuto rushed out and slammed the door behind him.

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