AoFuta ~ what are we?

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Smut 🍋 reaaaaaally
Angst 💧

It was the day Dateko lost against Seijoh. (2nd season)

Futakuchi and Aone are great friends and they always hang out together after the games.

This time they were at Aone's house.

The entire time they walked to his house they stayed in silence.
For Aone it was normal, but Futakuchi was really disappointed.
Aone wanted to cheer him up somehow, but decided to stay quiet.

They were now in Aone's bedroom, he was reading a book sitting on the bed and sometimes looking at Futakuchi, who was just resting his head on the table.

He wasn't sure if he was sleeping, crying or something else.

Then, suddenly, Futakuchi stood up staring at Aone.

"W... what is it...?" Aone was a little confused.

Before he could even realize it, Futakuchi sat on his legs, wrapped his arms around Aone's shoulders, and kissed him.

Aone was too surprised to move or anything.

When Futakuchi broke away to catch breath, Aone was confused and a little terrified, and Futakuchi noticed a bulge in his pants.

He then looked at him in the eyes.

"Aone~ why don't we do something stupid? Without thinking, once in a while it's good to do something without thinking."
Said with, like, 5 millimeters of distance between their lips.

Then they kissed again.

Is he drunk or something?

Futakuchi started unclothing himself but Aone started doing it for him and they ended up laying on the bed.

They were both naked.

"Kenji are you su-"

"Just hurry up" said cupping Aone's face with the hands.

Aone thrusted in and Futakuchi moaned loudly.

"Ahhh, s-slow down a - bit!" With every thrust, Futakuchi moaned louder and arched his back a bit more.

Then Aone flipped him over and lifted his hips.

The moans filled the room and Futakuchi buried his face in the pillow as the thrusts became stronger.

Aone was losing his mind.

It felt just too amazing.

It was warm and tight.

It was even better because of Futakuchi's moans.

Aone reached his climax and released inside Futakuchi. Feeling Aone filling him up, Futakuchi came right away.

He was sleepy and tired, but then realized that Aone didn't pull it out yet.

"... Ao-"

In that moment, the bigger guy flipped him over and kept thrusting.

"A-AONE! Ahhhhh!"

Aone started kissing him, if he had heard more moans he would surely lose his mind.

Futakuchi reciprocated the kiss and dug his nails into his back, crying a bit.

Futakuchi came right away, and Aone started going faster as he was reaching his climax, and started biting and sucking Futakuchi's neck and nipples.

"Aaaah... p-please slow down... this is too mu-"
Before he could finish the sentence, Aone gave a GREAT thrust and they came together.

Aone pulled out and Futakuchi fell asleep.

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