SakuAtsu ~ Alone? Never.

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Sad Sakusa & supportive Atsumu

*knock** knock**knock*
Sakusa woke up.

The room was dark and the it was cold and not really comfortable.


First, he promises to kill whoever is behind that DAMN door, then, he finally gets up and goes for the door.

"Coming coming!!"

He opens.

"Omiii! About time!"
Atsumu appeared with a big smile and a bag from the grocery store.
Sakusa was more annoyed that usual and let Atsumu enter without saying a word.
Atsumu often goes to Sauka's apartment so he doesn't bother to ask permission.

Sakusa sits on the sofa and sighs.
"Come on Omi-Kun, light up a bit, spring is behind the corner!"

"I'm fine, and spring only brings allergies Miya, so... could you... get out?" Said the wing spiker covering his face with the hands.

Atsumu was pretty much shocked.
He was already used to Sakusa's way of being mean, but this time, it was totally different, he seemed exhausted.

The blonde walked to the sofa and stood up in front of him.
"Kiyoomi, you know that I won't leave unless you start talking."

*sigh*"Miya just... leave me alone."

"Hell no! It will just get worst!"
Atsumu kneeled in front of him.
"Please, I don't like seeing you like this ."

Sakusa looked at him.
"Don't worry, it's nothing serious, lately I'm just tired. You saw my playing, right? I'm totally out of shape."

Atsumu felt relieved. He thought about the worst and it actually was something so normal.
He hugged Sakusa, he wrapped his arms around his neck and sat on his legs.
"Kiyoomi... you made me worry. It happened to me too, you just have to relax, and maybe let someone help you."

Sakusa hugged him back and buried his head in the blonde's collarbone.
"C-can you... sleep here tonight?"
Atsumu giggled.
"Of course I can."


The setter fell on the bed while kissing Sakusa who was keeping a tight grip on his waist and ass.

"Ahh... omii... a moment ago you were almost crying and now you're acting all manly and cool."

Sakusa unclothed Atsumu really quickly.
"If you really wanted to see tears then I'll gladly make you cry."
Said while playing with the setter's nipples.
"Pervert ;)"

Sakusa hardly bit one of those pink nipples and Atsumu moaned.
"Already moaning? We're not even starting here. I'm really upset and I have to discharge the tension."


"AH! MHHGN! Omii! A-Ngh! A bit- slowe-AAGNH."

Atsumu was this close to his Ahegao-face.
He wanted to face Sakusa because he wanted to make sure that he would be okay, instead, he started regretting it because he remembered how rough Kiyoomi gets when he sees him aroused.

Sakusa tightened the sheets with a hand and Atsumu's thigh with the other.

"AAH- I'M- coming!" And Atsumu came for the fifth time until now.
"You're coming quite a lot today..."

"Well- daAAAHmn... i-if you keep going-MNGH! This rough then I- AAH!!!"
Sakusa hit the prostrate and Atsumu's walls started tightening around him.
They came together but did't stop there...


"Yes, now I feel better. If you brag about this I'll kill you but... you were right." Said a relaxed and refreshed Sakusa, sitting in the bed and stroking his lover's hair.

On the other hand, Atsumu was panting heavily and even trembling a little, lying right next to him.

"Hehe, I'm always right Omii-Kun."
"Yes yes..."

Sakusa got under the sheets with him and hugged him.
"Thank you Atsumu. I love you."
Atsumu leaned into the hug.
"I love you too Kiyoomi."


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