KageHina ~ argument

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Fluff 💞
Just two idiots being idiots.


Me and Hinata argued.
It happened when we got back from the first trip to Tokyo.

He was insisting about trying a new quick, but we don't have the time to try it when we are still perfecting the other one.
I got angry and... well, yes, I exaggerated.
I pulled him by the collar of his T-shirt and then threw him on the floor.
It's just- I mean he was spouting no sense!
Learning a new quick NOW??
That's a suicide.

We aren't talking to each other.
In middle school I often argued with my teammates and these kind of situations would happen frequently, it didn't really matter to me.
But now... for some reason it's different.
This is a team where I can actually feel at ease, and this stupid argument with Hinata completely blasted everything.

I... I feel bad, but I know I am right.
He's just being stubborn.

Days passed.
Hinata completely ignored me those few times we crossed paths.
I did exaggerate back there, but that attitude still pisses me off.

I liked when Hinata was being cheerful and naive, when he would smile widely for any little thing, since now I would find that kind of attitude annoying, but now that he stopped i realized that I liked it.


Kageyama was walking on the street.
His aura was pretty scary and the few people passing by would change their path.

Then, suddenly, the first year felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around with a scary face and saw Sugawara's kind smile.
He froze and his face became guilty.

"Kageyama-Kun, you're scaring the people. Wanna talk about it?"

And then, they sat on a wall as Sugawara took a couple of drinks from the dispenser.
"S~o!" Said the third year while sitting "what is bothering you, my dear Kohai?"

Kageyama hesitated, he knew he could count on Sugawara but he was still embarrassed and a bit pissed.
"Ok, i got it, it's about your argument with Hinata."
The blueberry's eyes wided, is Sugawara some kind of mind reader?

"HAHAHAHAHAHHA! What is that surprised face? It's pretty obvious, isn't it?"
Kageyama blinked.
"I mean, since you two joined the club it seemed like you relaxed from middle school, when we saw your game against Hinata you were so tense and alway angry, but now your aura completely changed, and I'm sure you know who is the reason."

Kageyama reflected a second and then mumbled something that could resemble a "yes".

Sugawara smiled.
"So, what was your plan for fixing all of this?"

"It is not my fault!" He almost shouted.
"He suddenly wanted to work on a new quick when we still have to perfectionate the other one!"
Suga nodded.
"Yeah, but, firstly you should try to understand, you know that Hinata is impulsive and naive, but, about volleyball, he always knows what to do. And, even if it's not your fault, apologizing first is really mature and can push Hinata to do the same. You're not kids anymore."

That they were not kids anymore was obvious to Kageyama, and he realized it finishing middle school.
"Sugawara-San" he timidly asked.
"Yeeeeees?" The senpai was really happy of helping a troubled kohai.

"There... there is another thing."
Suga was really curious now.

"I-it's just... I don't want Hinata to avoid me."
The blueberry suddenly turned into a redberry.

"Ooooooh~ so you miss him! I can relate! Hinata is such a cheerful and cute person I would miss his presence too."
Kageyama shook his head.
"Not just that, it's- it's really weird, I just want him to start jumping around me again, I don't like that he smiles and talks to everyone except me."

Oh my god! Sugawara was shocked.
I think we can count this as a confession, look how red he is!!
Ahh, he reminds me of Daichi back in our first year.

"I really hope that you know what you're saying."
He said with a malicious grin.

Kageyama looked at him confused.
"Yes, I want him to talk to me again, and stop talking with others."
He was really serious.
No, he doesn't know.

"Ok Kageyama, let's take it slowly,  have you ever thought about dating Hinata?"
Kageyama's eyes wided. Dating? Wha- whe- ho- WHAT?!

Then he reflected.

Cute. Check.
Good at volleyball. Check.
Squishy. Check
Funny. Sometimes.
Dumbass. Check



"I-... well... may...be?"
Suga was enthusiastic.

For the next days, Kageyama thought about what to tell to Hinata as an apology.

He was in a grocery store, finished paying,  he was heading out, then he saw Hianta entering.
He stayed still, staring at him as he went through the doors.

Hinata lifted his head and went pale. Then he immediately turned around and ran away.
But Kageyama followed him.

Damn it he's fast. But I'm fast too!

Hinata turned a couple of corners and stopped for breathing.
He leaned on the wall for a second, then he started heading home.
In a second the tangerine felt his arm being pulled in a dark hallway.

He found himself being pushed against a wall with Kageyama doing a Kabe-Don.

"Y-you know that this situation is reeeeeally creepy, right, BakaYama?"

"Stop avoiding me."
Hinata's eyes wided, then he turned but didn't say anything.
Kageyama realized that he was being a bit scary, he got off his hand from the wall and stepped back, but not too much.
Hinata faced him again.
Kageyama tightened his teeth, and shut his eyes.
"I... I said I'm sorry!"
"Whoa whoa! Ok don't shout! Because you're yelling a nice thing and it can be confusing."

They stayed silent for some seconds.
"I still think your idea is stupid... but I did exaggerate, I should've not throw you on the floor."
Hinata blushed a bit and started playing with his shirt.
"Erm... well, I think it's not completely your fault, I mean, I kept fighting too, and I was probably insisting too much.
But it's not impossible! We can at least give it a try!"

Kageyama sighed, trying not to yell again.

"We should... think about it accurately."
Hinata's eyes started shining.
"Really?? Yayy!!"
Kageyama saw that smile that he missed for a long time, and remembered the other thing.

"Uhm... listen Hinata. I wanted to talk about... another thing too."

"Uh? You have new techniques in mind?"

Kageyama got silent.
This guy only thinks about volleyball. He really is a volleyball idiot, like me.
Telling him that I like him and that I want to stay with him hold him- ok STOP.
It would probably confuse him too much.
"You know what? The nationals."

Hinata looked at him with confusion.
"The nationals? Yeah, we all want to go to the nationals."

"I mean, I'll tell you once we get there! For now, you should concentrate on going to the finals and beat everyone."

"Well, now I'm curious as hell but-" a grin grew up on his face "-I like the idea of beating everyone! Ok! I'll wait! Let's get to the nationals!"
He said raising his fist.
Kageyama returned the gesture gently hitting his hand.

"Kageyama, you wanna come over tonight? My family is with relatives and I managed to not go there. I was at the grocery store for buying dinner! Then we can talk about the strategies!"

With this it will be veeery difficult to hold back.
"Ok ok, fine."

In the end...
Kageyama couldn't hold back much, mostly because Hinata started being clingy and too friendly, so he confessed a week later, at the second trip to Tokyo.
They eventually got together and they were terrible at hiding it.

Happy Suga.


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