Tsukiyama ~ Why, Yamaguchi?

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Smut 🍋
There is a bit of violence and forcing too.
If you don't like, just don't read.

Tsukishima was at Yamaguchi's house, in his bedroom.

Yamaguchi went downstairs to take some sacks and Tsukishima was looking around the room, until he found a strange box under Yamaguchi's bed.

Inside the box were different types of dildos and vibrators.

Tsukishima was petrified.

When yamaguchi entered the room he saw Tsukishima looking at those toys.

"T-Tsukki... I..." yamaguchi was shaking.

"Are... are these yours?... all of them?..."

Yamaguchi was really scared "you... why did you... I... sorry..."

"... i... I'd better go home now."
Said Tsukishima while going out of the room.

The next day they didn't talked.
Tsukishima observed Yamaguchi from distance for a few days and noticed that, despite the fact that they returned to talk to each other, the two of them were not as close as before.

Yamaguchi passed a lot of time on his phone, sometimes even during the breaks form the training.

He even stopped going home so often with Tsukishima.

Then, one day, Tsukishima decided to talk with yamaguchi about... that.

"Yamaguchi, let's go home together"

"Oh, sorry Tsukki, but today-"

"Yamaguchi, come. with. me."

Yamaguchi was surprised, but decided to not anger Tsukishima.

They were walking.

"So, why did you wanted to walk with me so bad Tsukki?"

"I wanted to talk to you. About those things I saw in your room."

Yamaguchi got embarrassed.

"U-uhm, really? T-then, ask me whatever you feel to."

"Are you using them with your girlfriend? If so, then it could explain why you are so distracted these days."

Yamaguchi wasn't sure about saying something or not.

He decided to say the truth.

"N-no, I... I have a boyfriend... a-and... we often used them... on me... IM SORRY I SHOULD'VE NOT TELL YOU!"

Tsukishima was silent the entire time.

"So... it was it, you have a boyfriend, and you two spend a lot of time together?"

"Uh... yes, pretty much, he's from another school, so we try to see each other whenever we can."

"Mh, why didn't you tell me?"

"Uhhm... w-well... I wasn't sure about how you could react... I was a bit scared... sorry..."

"It's okay, I guess. Well then congratulations" and he just walked away.

"Tsu... kki..." Yamaguchi was a bit sad.

The days passed on.

Tsukishima managed to see Yamaguchi's boyfriend.
But by spying them from behind a building.

He was tall, around 185cm, handsome, blonde, he played basketball, seeing his sport bag, and he kinda looked like a jerk.

But Yamaguchi seemed to like him a lot.

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